Anagram of the week...
Just spotted this

Just spotted this
As the dust settles on the Liberal Youth elections, may TB take this opportunity to congratulate their moron-in-chief James Harrison for getting elected to their committee on Bagshaw's coat-tails. Harrison is Scotland's most eminent "
The embarrassing mistake came to light after her husband, Nigel Blowes, admitted to watching three hours of political material, including Prime Minister’s Question Time, Andrew Neil’s Straight Talk and a special report on the Parliamentary Standards Commission. Porn producers say the matter has undermined the credibility of Mrs Blowes, who is said to be ‘mortified’ by the error.
‘Nigel is deeply ashamed that he watched this material and the sordid, grubby business of politics was allowed into our home. It was a momentary lapse in his judgement and he assures me that he usually only ever watches hardcore pornography like any normal married man.’
Liberal Youth Election results just in:
Muhammed Elias Ali -- 4
Elaine Bagshaw -- 148
Sara Scarlett -- 92
R.O.N -- 44
In the words of Eric Pickles when the Parliament security told him about
TB commented last week that with the state of the Blair Babes 12 years on, it was no surprise that the UK didn't do too well in the rankings of the worlds sexiest female politicians. This however upset Tory Bear's favourite lefty feminist Gabi Jones, from the Women of the World organisation. TB has clashed with Gabi in the past,
As a long-time reader of Tory Bear, I am very excited to have been invited to compile a list of the top ten sexiest British male politicians. For a long time I have been criticised for my dreadful taste in men – something I fervently dispute – but with such an attractive lot representing us, this list is filled with the best of British.
Rolling in at number 1 is the Adonis of Westminster, 40 year old Ed Vaizey. After seeing Ed’s numerous appearances on The Wright Stuff, I have fallen for his undeniable charm and charisma. Ed looks good in a suit, has a gorgeous voice and a slight receding hairline – what more could you actually want? I just wish I lived in his constituency. Sigh.
In terms of justifying my choice, I think this amazing photo is reason enough. Body-wise, Mr Afriyie is the Elle McPherson of male politicians. I’d go running with him any day.
3. David Cameron – Conservative, MP for Witney
4. Daniel Hannan – Conservative, MEP for South
5. Adrian Ramsay – Green, Deputy Party Leader
6. Jeremy Hunt – Conservative, MP for South
David Lammy doesn’t exactly scream sexy, but he’s got something about him. Not too good at general knowledge, I’m guessing that his strengths lie elsewhere…
He’s arrogant as they come and I really should dislike him, but George Osborne is yet another Tory that I find myself extremely attracted to. Maybe I should concede defeat to my lust for Tories and sign up? On second thoughts…
9. Tobias Ellwood – Conservative, MP for
Admittedly, Mr Hague isn’t exactly a looker, but he does have the sexiest voice in
This list is overwhelmingly leaning to the right, okay; I admit I have a thing for Tories. Maybe it’s their infuriating politics? I think my friends were definitely justified in buying me one of TB’s own ‘I kissed a Tory… and I liked it’
You can follow Gabi on Twitter
There is a certain breed of
A typically shallow and weak response from the Left. The Minister should have damned the Cuban government to eternal outcast until they pack this appalling behaviour in. Presumptively locking someone up is a despicable violation of basic freedoms and so over to you"John Bercow: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what reports he has received of the number of people convicted of the crime of social dangerousness in Cuba in each of the last five years. [265458]
Gillian Merron: We are very concerned about the use of charges of "social dangerousness" in Cuba to arrest those whom the Cuban authorities believe may cause a crime in the future.
During Cuba's review at the Human Rights Council in February 2009, the UK recommended that Cuba refrain from using such laws to restrict the rights of freedom of expression and association.
The Cuban government does not publish statistics on the number of people convicted on these grounds, but the non-governmental Cuban commission for human rights and national reconciliation, estimates that there are currently between 3,000 and 5,000 people in prison in Cuba convicted of “pre-criminal social dangerousness.”
Our embassy in Havana has requested these figures from the Cuban authorities and I will write if we receive a reply."
TB has been taking a peek at the this years MPs expenses claims. As the
If you are a media or cultural studies graduate, have experience in the web, PR, or marketing industries, and want an opportunity to explore the emerging area of social media through scholarly research or practice, then: yes.
That's right kids, for four grand you get to spend a year of your life being taught how to use Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. TB presumes that all written work and tutorials will be conducted in 140 characters or less?Shock waves are being felt around the media world tonight after it emerged
Anyone who has ever stood in an election that has got a little dirty, or has had very vocal opponents or faced unfriendly press knows one golden rule that must never be broken. If someone makes an accusation against you, never ever repeat it as it gives it bite. Nixon's "I'm not a crook!" being the most famous example of this, yet it never fails to surprise TB just how stupid people can be at times.
Say you were standing for re-election after a year in office where you narrowly escaped a cop and also cocked up massively on the one project that would be the most obvious and visual impact your organisation would make in a year. Would you try to put these attacks in the past, learn from them and grow, or would you stupidly think it would be a good idea to regurgitate them all over the internet in some shallow defensive move. Well once again step forward Miss Elaine Bagshaw of Liberal Youth:
Greetings from the extremely sporadic free wifi onboard the Edinburgh to Kings Cross. TB is on his way home after finishing his last week of university. There are only finals between him and the big wide world.
Just spotted this
Ah the joys of
Although the BBC chickened out and wouldn't run
If you have ten minutes at breakfast, or maybe you have a coffee break today... whatever happens, find the time to watch Dan Hannan be interviewed on FoxNews. The British MSM have ignored this speech and the public have led the news agenda online. Fox tip him as a future PM and some sort of quasi-viral saviour of the world.
The last few times TB has taken money out of a cash machine, nice RBS ones in Edinburgh, he has been given crisp, clean, brand new notes... His flatemates and a couple of others have noticed this as well.
Ok sorry to go into overload with the videos today but this is simply something that cannot be seen without passing comment. Melanie Philips gives a pretty terrifying
Well bear in mind that thought and apply it to this little video that is doing the rounds:‘We're looking for supporters,’ said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. ‘We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.’
TB has beenway too excited about the Armando Iannucci film coming out on the 17th April. The Thick of It was by far the best thing the BBC has put out in years and judging on this clip, the film looks as if it will be a roaring success:
Can't wait!
Hat-Tip -
PS. sorry about two videos in a row but think the both deserve it. Since TB and co started posting the Citizen Hannan yesterday, it has gone on to be the headline story on the biggest poltical blog in the world -
Just spotted this little video on
TB wasn't going to blog about Jade Goody but there is one point that has stuck out in his mind ever since Gordon "the era of celebrity is over" Brown took time out of saving the world and offered his two cents. Goody didn't have such friends in high places when she was a national hate figure after her racist outbursts and the general embarrassment that was that series of Big Brother. TB was never a fan of Goody but he wouldn't wish such a vile and cruel punishment on anyone.
What really angered him though was Gordon's statement that "the whole country has admired her determination to provide a bright future for her children." Yes we do, and yes that is the basic driving force for most of humanity, and yes Gordon you are a hypocrite. No Prime Minister or Chancellor has done more to wound the chances of being able to do this more so than Gordon. 45% rates of tax, lampooning of bankers or anyone else with a vague capitalistic streak and stealing 40% of people property when they are powerless to stop it - when they are dead.
Gordon jumped on the band wagon but should take a long hard look in the mirror. The left have always hated the family, just as they hate any barrier that comes between the state and the individual, and yet he has the audacity to state that we should be proud of Goody's inherent capitalist streak and and shameless desire to leave her children something behind. Why is Goody allowed to do this and the rest of us are not?
Instead of two bit statements and faux grief in order to win some headlines, actions speak louder than words Mr Brown.
What has really surprised TB about the Liberal Youth elections is just what a bunch of illiberal spinners they really are. It has been
In yet another high profile result for Richard Jackson and the
In the last few days the new
Just incase you fancied a cheeky one while having your passport photos taken:
This little bit of intrigue just pinged into TB's inbox:
Dear Tory Bear,
I’m the creator of the Liberal Youth Downfall video. I’m writing this because of the way that Bagshaw and her lackeys are trying to make Sara take the rap for all the leaks, and are trying to spin the idea that she was the only person to blame for the video, and everything else; even trying to chuck her off the exec before she resigned.
This is straight out of laa-laa fantasy land, and tries to make out that everyone in Liberal Youth is whiter-than-white, and if only Sara hadn’t come along and spoiled it for everyone else. The truth is that half the members and activists and exec are up to their necks in this, and we’re all leaking like the Titanic. Sara may be mentally unbalanced, like Elaine says, but she had nothing to do with the video.
I figure Sara probably did leak her resignation email to you. But as for the other stuff, it’s not like only a select few people know. Half of LY knows all this. Hell, half the bloody party know this stuff. The reason the Downfall video’s been so damaging is that every line is based on some fact – like someone said on the public LY forums, “The worst thing about that video is how stunningly accurate it all is.”
And no, of course I didn’t mean the ‘libellous’ line about Elaine and Clegg literally. Of course that never happened, and I withdraw any suggestion it did. IT WAS A METAPHOR!!! But fuck it, she might as well have been giving him head, since it seems to sum up her toadying, sycophantic attitude towards him. Look at the whole way she’s handled the fees thing (see the video).
LY trying to track me down with an ‘investigation’ is hilarious. They can’t work out simple things like:
If they need things like that spelt out, then good luck to ‘em! Hell, even though I hadn't leaked anything before, I was going to leak Sara’s Saturday night message myself, and was beaten to it by Tory Bear publishing it before I’d even emailed it to him. That gives you an idea of the kind of dynamic we have in LY at the moment.
Oh, and thanks for posting the edited version of the Downfall video – I was about to do that myself!
I've enclosed a picture you can add to your website - enjoy.
I’m close to Elaine. Much closer than she thinks. And I’m keeping my eye on Sara too.
This election’s not over yet.
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