DC baby...
TB popped in for tea today with that nice Mr Obama and his charming wife...

Time to put the chinos and blazer back on...
TB popped in for tea today with that nice Mr Obama and his charming wife...
TB would love to see a line as good as this one, a real nail in the coffin, delivered to Brown in a pre-election television spar:
Mandy has apparently
Dave was
TB always plays by the rules so wouldn't want to fall foul of the
Apologies for the lack of posting yesterday, it's been a busy day here. Just unwinding with a gin and tonic after a fascinating afternoon at the
Calling all mathematicians, statisticians and spooks. Can you crack what this "code" is? There is a torybear.com bag up for grabs for whoever correctly guesses where it was being broadcast and what this picture is really of:
Conservative Future have gone a
Press & media development
This person will work to help CF branches attract local coverage in both print and broadcast media, as well as on the blogosphere.
They will also work to increase the media coverage for the national organisation, but the focus of the role is on getting local media coverage for individual branches.
Conservative Future TV
This person will produce regular videos for CF TV looking at political issues of the day and the work CF members are involved with.
They will also work on getting branches to make and send in their own videos.
This person will focus on research into areas we cover, such as political education and student politics.
They will also work with other CF members to develop policy ideas that can be submitted to the main Party.
So remember when Tom Miller denied that he had any involvement in the red rag conspiracy that saw McBride and Draper go down?
He said he had no idea it was going on, you know the whole attempt to brand conservative bloggers as racists etc. Well thanks to a
James "little ginger runt" Harrison took the words right out of TB's mouth..."errrrh"
Painful to watch.
While TB is across the pond he feels duty bound to pick up on a little local news. This video has been doing the rounds here. It seems the GOP are finally getting with the program. After a series of dreadful attempts at getting down with the kids on the interweb, the right are finally errr.. getting it right - 100k hits so far. Yes the video is budget, amateur and camp as hell, but at least it will make people laugh and doesn't attempt to be anything other than a humorous look at what is going on right now.
If you didn't laugh you would cry.
TB is enjoying his holiday. Lots of grilling and sipping ice cold brewskis in the New Jersey sunshine. His mobile isn't working and he is rarely at a computer. That's where you lot come in...
TB is having a wicked time in New York, but today's lunch deserves a post of it's own. You haven't lived until you've had a sandwich from
TB hasn't had the chance to watch the whole of Coulson's breeze through the select committee, but this cutting put down of the retired attack dog Tom Watson is fantastic:
After Guido's gentle piss take of Ed Vaizey
"Jogging is for people who are not intelligent enough to watch breakfast television".
Well it was pretty much inevitable that TB was going to spend his last day at work for six weeks feeling a little under the weather. Last night's drinks were a roaring success and was great to put names to new faces and sink pints with old ones. Thinking the karaoke might have to become a monthly thing...
Another morning sipping the diet coke eh.
The joke about Conservative Friends of Ireland seemed to go over quite a few heads but either way TB is sure much Guinness will be consumed.
If you want to join the big right-wing conspiracy drinks then ping over an email for the location and we will be there from six. TB will be the the handsome dark haired one with the harem of blondes on his arm.
TB has been made responsible for setting up the hash tag for the evening on Twitter -
Having mentioned Laurie Penny earlier today, it seems she annoys someone else too:
Ed Balls is clearly on a bit of a charm offensive with the lobby pack.
Seems nobody bothered to send the chairman of Young Labour the memo that pulled the plug on Labour's deceitful and malicious lies that only the Tories would be the ones cutting after the 2010 election.
Here is what was just mailed out to the members:
Subject: Campaign Weekend in Norwich North
Hi its Sam Tarry here, National Chair of Young Labour,
I'm asking you to come and get stuck into the Tory's [sic.] this weekend with Young Labour - We're fighting a close by-election this week and the dividing lines have been drawn. These are tough times indeed - but Conservative planned cuts will ravage our public services and decimate our communities - we know that only Labour will keep investing to help ordinary working people. So come and help deliver that message on the doorsteps on Norwich this weekend.
With bullshit like that Gordon would be proud but maybe Sam should look at little closer at the briefing notes from Victoria Street. Even
TB is very busy today. Big surprise tomorrow, but in the mean time stumbled across this old gem again:
Ahhh. Normal service resumes tonight.
Provocative headline aside,
Is it just TB or has anyone else noticed how slick the CCHQ videos are getting? It's looking good for the election. Such a shame we can't buy airtime and get this sort of thing viewed by millions instead of thousands. Allowing political parties to buy advertising would destroy the stranglehold the media and lobby have over our politicians, who have to creep round them and vica-versa. But that's a debate for another day...
In the meantime the new approach to aid has some fantastic ideas and is a fantastic video.
There has been much speculation about whether or not Lucy Roblin the Vice Chairman of
TB is not sure that this is the right reaction to be having to an
Got a rather interesting text message:
"An unsuccessful attempt has been made to access your Voicemail
account. If this attempt was not made by you, please contact Customer
Care on 191 immediately."
Give TB some credit, he's not that silly. Not sure what
Why can't he just retire gracefully?
The delectable Kevin Maguire is putting a
It is often said that Vince Cable should be the leader of the Liberal Democrats but someone in Liberal Youth is clearly a little confused...
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