A message from the Bagshaw bunker:
This little bit of intrigue just pinged into TB's inbox:
Dear Tory Bear,
I’m the creator of the Liberal Youth Downfall video. I’m writing this because of the way that Bagshaw and her lackeys are trying to make Sara take the rap for all the leaks, and are trying to spin the idea that she was the only person to blame for the video, and everything else; even trying to chuck her off the exec before she resigned.
This is straight out of laa-laa fantasy land, and tries to make out that everyone in Liberal Youth is whiter-than-white, and if only Sara hadn’t come along and spoiled it for everyone else. The truth is that half the members and activists and exec are up to their necks in this, and we’re all leaking like the Titanic. Sara may be mentally unbalanced, like Elaine says, but she had nothing to do with the video.
I figure Sara probably did leak her resignation email to you. But as for the other stuff, it’s not like only a select few people know. Half of LY knows all this. Hell, half the bloody party know this stuff. The reason the Downfall video’s been so damaging is that every line is based on some fact – like someone said on the public LY forums, “The worst thing about that video is how stunningly accurate it all is.”
And no, of course I didn’t mean the ‘libellous’ line about Elaine and Clegg literally. Of course that never happened, and I withdraw any suggestion it did. IT WAS A METAPHOR!!! But fuck it, she might as well have been giving him head, since it seems to sum up her toadying, sycophantic attitude towards him. Look at the whole way she’s handled the fees thing (see the video).
LY trying to track me down with an ‘investigation’ is hilarious. They can’t work out simple things like:
- Tory Bear’s alter ego is one of 200 members of the facebook group Sara sent her message to – so no leak was needed. All this talk of her having leaked that's just pure fantasy. Several Labour members are in that group, too, so it would have leaked anyway.
- Let’s stop kidding ourselves - we're all gossiping like mad, and we're all passing on emails like mad, so the list of leak suspects must have several hundred people on it. This has all been out in the open for ages. If the list includes everyone Elaine’s pissed off in the last year, then it’s endless.
If they need things like that spelt out, then good luck to ‘em! Hell, even though I hadn't leaked anything before, I was going to leak Sara’s Saturday night message myself, and was beaten to it by Tory Bear publishing it before I’d even emailed it to him. That gives you an idea of the kind of dynamic we have in LY at the moment.
Oh, and thanks for posting the edited version of the Downfall video – I was about to do that myself!
I've enclosed a picture you can add to your website - enjoy.
I’m close to Elaine. Much closer than she thinks. And I’m keeping my eye on Sara too.
This election’s not over yet.

What was the libelous line?
I think we can all work it out from the message!
I think the Att. image is not cool at this time. I would say it too soon.
Elaine must have some Austria blood in heir.
its nice to see that you and the leader of the oposition are on the same message today...Bunkers
Liberal youth are redesigning their web sight just now perhaps TB is offering to host them while they are waiting because so many of them seem to think he is important. Apparently he has the last say on anything. The only worry I have is what happens after this.
Will TB carry on pursuing his love interest James Harrison (pigtails in the play ground)?
Will be hound the New Labour youth?
Will he continue to rid the world of all things non tory?
Stay tuned to find out what our hero decides!
I'm glad my website keeps you so amused TB lover but a recommendation if I may? With spelling like yours I suggest you focus more on the classroom rather than the playground.
ohhhhhh bitchy. Seriously though, if you have that much of a problem with Tory Bear why do you keep commenting?
And yes Labour Youth and Students are next on the hitlist.
It's a love hate relationship. yes I really should use a spell checker but there's a guessing element involved with bad spelling! you get the chance to decipher what I'm trying to say.
Did you write this letter yourself?
Well did you?
No you cretin of course I didn't, 10,000 words due tomorrow at 12 would be a slight hinderence to that.
Run along.
Maybe if you had more time you could have made it believable:
"The truth is that half the members and activists and exec are up to their necks in this, and we’re all leaking like the Titanic."
Can you spot the mistake?
No,but no doubt you are about to inform us all.
Look kid you're embarassing yourself.
Run along.
Strike the kid line having read your profile but the rest still stands.
Don't attack any semblance of journalistic credibilty this blog may have. You might be sad enough to make up letters and sources but some of us have better things to do.
So on what basis is this ridiculous suggestion coming from?
As the source, I stand by every word of my statement.
Tory Bear also has a way of identifying me, so was able to verify that the message yesterday was definitely from me, the creator of the video.