Where there is discord, may we bring harmony...
As the dust settles on the Liberal Youth elections, may TB take this opportunity to congratulate their moron-in-chief James Harrison for getting elected to their committee on Bagshaw's coat-tails. Harrison is Scotland's most eminent "
" and on account of having few or no friends, decides to broadcast his inane views to the world on a near daily basis. Bless.
“Looks like Vicky's hit the ground running with both her and her London lieutenant Edwin Loo going into overdrive announcing their plans for campaigns - which is odd because the VC campaigns doesn't seem to be involved - and though he seems to be keeping a lid on it in public with just a few veiled comments on the forums, if I know anything he'll be fucking livid that his portfolio's being walked all over before the new term even begins. Ben pretty much ran Sara's campaign until the infamous heckle so it looks a bit like Elaine's trying to manage him out already. Start as you mean to go on, eh?”
Elaine has nailed her true colours to the post - Rather than spending a few days contacting her newly elected committee, nursing some tense relationships, she has swanned off to Blackpool to
TB has spies in Blackpool and will be reporting any goss or banter. Don't hold your breath though. It's apparently dull.
Very, very dull.
From twitter and this I just imagine you sitting at home, with Titanic blasting out, and a bottle of wine. The Lib Dem youth seems to reflect their parliamentary group in all but age.
Edwin Loo? I must put him in touch with Kevin "Toilets" Maguire…
Certainly fitter than Micahel Rock the 30 year old chair of Conservative Future...
we disagree, we get hard for the Rock, and nice dig but cf constitution states they only have to be under 30 when they are elected. so poo to you.
Harmony is stasis - discord is interesting.
Before the Tories could fall out over ideas somebody would have to think of some!
Ben Mathis
(the real one)
Thanks for using my "Elaine - the Lickable Choice for Chair" photo. No thanks for not asking me. So as the owner of the copyright on that photo (and all those in the conference albums) I would respectfully ask you to remove the photo and to not use my photos in future without asking and crediting me - no matter how unflattering or apparently delicious your favourite chair may look in them.
Thanks for the incisive debate, and continuing to provide the fan. I remain a dedicated reader.
Mr. "aint nothin but a G thang" Brown
What you chatting about? I nicked that photo off facebook...
A legal nightmare to try to persue so the photo will stay up thank-you-very-much.
Keep reading!
It's a Chinese surname. I will assume you are being ignorant; but if I see that repeated in such a manner I will assume prejudice instead.
If your source read things correctly, he will see that it was a London campaign idea- and as Campaigns and Communications for London Liberal Youth, it is in my portfolio to do such things.
I'm starting to think Cllr. Ward is the one in need of some sterilization. A 60-odd year old man cracking bad jokes like that is surely slightly inbred if not extremely bigoted...
Cock or fanny TB...you clearly need one or t'other.
excuse me?
excuse me?
excuse me?
Oh dear Edwin Loo, you appear to be more of a fruit loo...
Is it not true that the only reason that you will not be attending NUS conference is that you failed to get elected (again)
no. was asked to go many a time but politely declined.
I think haven't seen the president of the Strathclyde LibDems! Imagine a polish daniel craig with a bit of tom cruise.
The Liberals do have a future and its sexy!
The Masked Ming
Elaine contacted me on the day of the results.