Tomorrow belongs to them.
Ok sorry to go into overload with the videos today but this is simply something that cannot be seen without passing comment. Melanie Philips gives a pretty terrifying
into the fact that Obama's campaign has seemingly never stopped and that branded activists are still hitting the streets winning support for their President, against well anyone who is willing to stand up to him. This unconstitutional move is made even more chilling by this quote from one of the Organising for America team in Birmingham, Alabama: Well bear in mind that thought and apply it to this little video that is doing the rounds:‘We're looking for supporters,’ said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. ‘We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.’
It has all the hallmarks of a good old school, Fuhrer loving, propaganda sing song. There they are, the children of the nation, standing in front of an emblem that is quite clearly not the flag of the country, but instead a logo that has been created to represent one particular style of overbearing politics. The symbol is worshiped and respected, remind you of anything else yet?
It's as if the clearly bonkers lady conducting the choir has taken the very worst bits of the Hitler Youth, thrown in some good old North Korean style loyalty and sprinkled a liberal helping of Californian nutjobs on top and filmed it. The most terrifying bit is the toothless, cutish, little seven year old, proudly wearing her uniform and singing about they are going to "change it, and re-arrange it". What the hell is that meant to mean exactly? Rearrange it? Rearrange what? Is she implying that the time has come for the forcible redistribution of property, because that's what it sounds like to TB! The time has come America. This is what you get for not standing up to glossy campaigns and being swept up on a roller-coaster of hysteria. There is absolutely no difference between the Obama Youth and the scene here from Cabaret, ie Germany 1936:
These children had no choice, they don't know what they are singing about. A whole generation of kids are being bought up to believe that Obama is the messiah and that anyone who stands up to him and what he advocates is evil and wrong. It's sick - look at the fervent faces of the parents, goading their kids on and cheering as they spout militant propaganda.
End rant.

however weird this is, nothing in the world is as terrifying as Melanie Phillips' opinions and bilious prose. plus you broke Godwin's Law.
Goodwin's Law only applies if the claim is unwarrented. This is more capturing two moments in time and contrasting them with overwhelming justification.
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Hate to say it but it's a good representation. Haven't seen the youth groups but the worship given to this man, the unquestioning of his policies, and unfortunately the certainty it seems most of these policies will be enacted is disturbing.
It's an underlying problem though really. In these US we don't hear news from around the world. You don't hear what's going on with the EU or Asia. Only when you take the time to read overseas papers and watch newscasts do you hear that this Brown/Obama spend your way out of a recession will not work. At this very moment in an office of 200 or so people I would be hard pressed to find five that could name world leaders or policymakers outside of this nation.
No TB, most have not stood up because to most I fear this is what they 'think' they want. If they were exposed to outside ideas on a regular basis, it may have been different. But it isn't. Many do see Obama as a savior of some fashion. I truly fear for what this nation will be in 20 years time.
Full disclosure this is not a Republican party rant. I have no use for them either. The loyalty given to Bush was just as strong from his supporters but perhaps not as fervent across the board.
I think this speaks for itself.
The McCain supporters chanted for their country.
The Obama Supporters chanted for their leader!
Scary, very very scary.
Most musicals geeks will tell you the film version of Cabaret is set in 1932, but otherwise great rant!
As an American I must say that this sort of accusation of Obama as a propaganda peddling Hitler Youth wannabe is just plain idiotic! These people are not pledging allegiance for a person no matter what! They are singing for a cause that we can all believe in. A cause that stands up against the many years of Republican rule giving tax cuts for the rich, starting unnecessary wars and standing up against civil liberties whilst the opposition and minorities get the proverbial middle finger.
You conservatives who call him a socialist or a fascist should all be ashamed of yourselves cause you don't know the first thing about politics and you blast him for being a liberal when he has tried to reach out to all sides. It just goes to show that the right wingers will never change.
I think comparing Obama's amazing campaigning organisation to Nazi youth is perhaps a little beyond the pale of decency.
I don't...
Tell me the difference between Obama brainwashing young people like this and how Hitler did it?
I'm not saying Obama kills people I just say there is a lot of questions that need answering about how he is going about indoctorating entire generations of children.
You don't have to murder people to be dangerous Nick.