Thank you for the music...

These elections have upset the Liberal Youth apple cart in a big way
. Not only has Bagshaw treated her membership with contempt but she has also severely pissed off the staff at Liberal Democrat HQ. The news of her victory has seemingly been greeted with weary acceptance, especially as most of the voters sent back their ballots before TB started livening things up and revealing just what an idiot Miss Bagshaw can be.And what a farcical election it was. The whole organisation was leaking like the Titanic. There was a flurry of briefings and counter briefings and anonymous tip offs that made CF look like a bunch of amateurs. If the real Lib Dems were such keen media operators, the dead duck party might actually get some press coverage from time to time. Looking forward to seeing Bagshaw exact her revenge on those who doubted her and restore her iron fist on the membership.
So lets all charge a glass and toast this victory. It's going to be a brilliant year.
"most of the voters sent back their ballots before TB started livening things up and revealing just what an idiot Miss Bagshaw can be"
Interesting that you cannot possibly know this. Though I am sure everybody's universe definitely does revolve around you.
If you can still see sunshine out of your own buttocks...
All you did was amuse everyone, Sara and Elaine supporters alike.
A toast to Tory bear for being a constant source of amusement throughout this election!
only reporting what many a liberal hack I spoke to said to me.
Thanks for stopping by, keep reading!
Well you all did a pretty piss poor job at holding these people to account so someone had to do it.
Stay classy.
As always, not knowing all of the facts.
I know personally I held both candidates to account before placing my vote, one face to face and one of them on the private sections of the forum. Many people also did he same.
I don't think you held anyone to account, you just spun tiny bits of political gossip for all they were worth, and I doubt any voter took your "contributions" seriously.
If you don't like it why are you still here?
I'm still here for one because, credit to you, you are good at your job.
However, that doesn't make you in the least bit accurate or 'on the money'.
Elaine won because most people knew the truth or met her and Sara and made the judgement. Elaine is a liberal, and didn't put out any negative campaign throughout the election. If anyone tried to stamp out opposition it was Sara the tory. (Is that why you backed her?)
And lets be fair, most of the RONs seemed to go to Elaine. Disillusioned by the process? Yes. Idiots? No.
And as a mild rejoinder: When are those Conservative Future elections again? Oh that's right, you don't have any, because you are undemocratic.
No-one who wasn't at the count can possibly know whether the RON or third-candidate votes would have gone to Elaine or Sara had they been redistributed as Elaine was declared elected in round 1.
And isn't there some kind of Godwins Law about calling your opponent "a Tory"?
Elaine used to be in Labour. She has a history of making left-wing authoritarian decisions, backing left-wing authoritarian causes and trying to intertwine Liberal Youth with left-wing student politics - but you don't hear Sara's allies calling her a Socialist - after all, Socialists have principles. Elaine's just a hack.
You, Anon, are a blind devotee of a hack. A hack squared. What's the correct mathematical term for that? A hypoturd?
Be fair to him people... TB only highlighted the fact your organisation was a joke, you did the tough work all on your own. Credit to the Bear for making this farce of an election more humourous...
I was at the count. I saw the votes cast. I am fine with what I said above.
Elaine is not a hack and you know it. Your attempts to paint Elaine as a Labourite fail. She is not authoritarian, so the exec tell me.
And anyway, Vince use to be Labour, and he is doing fairly well against George 'What tax' Osbourne and Ken 'What's our policy' Clarke.
Again, when are your elections?
We accept no criticism until you have one.
Micahel Rock, the 30 year old chair is a joke.
Unless Vince's supporters have been racially abusing people lately my guess is Elaine Bagshaw is not the next Vince Cable...
I hate to break it you you spotty lot, but 99.3% of the population simply don't give a toss about your lame obsessions with minor bust-ups in student bars. They involve people that 95% of students have ever heard of, let alone the real world. This result will make absolutely no difference to any election result, anywhere.
So, again, I apologise for breaking the painful truth that this whole episode is of interest to little more than 800 people nationally.
Now, why don't you go out and knock on some doors and find out what people really care about...
No-one was racially abused. The complaint was as far as I am aware, not upheld, and you should probably take that back.