He's still TB's favourite Labour MP but...
Now Tom Harris understands why the right dominate the blogs, he has worked hard to nurture a community around his own, and responds and talks to his readers. To some extent he tolerates tories, (unlike Dolly et all.) Dan Han and his youtube hit has really given the Left the needle however, and its driving them nuts!
Labour have been caught off their guard by the Dan Han sensation. It's coming up for 2 million views and they are left scratching heads. Instead of attempting to attack it for ridiculous reasons about Europe, why not take a long hard look in the mirror instead and allow yourselves to realise that this man is speaking the truth and the reason it is so popular is because it's correct! There is something about the Dan Han attacks that seem static and reserved when compare to Tom's usual flowing style. Is his heart really in them?
Come on Mr Harris you could be the Labour's Dan Han if you used your platform and following to be the boy to call out the emperor...
Tom Harris's blog
proves anything it's that Labour MPs are, believe it not, real people, and at least one of them has a sense of humour. It's normally a good place to go for some avuncular, insidery gossip or analysis. However whenever he tries to go on the all out attack on the tories it just back fires and leaves Mr Harris looking like a wannabe Draper or Sion Simon. His attacks just seem to grate and weaken his normally spot on analysis.Now Tom Harris understands why the right dominate the blogs, he has worked hard to nurture a community around his own, and responds and talks to his readers. To some extent he tolerates tories, (unlike Dolly et all.) Dan Han and his youtube hit has really given the Left the needle however, and its driving them nuts!
Tom completely misses the mark
in claiming that the fact that Dan Han was such a hit proves that the Conservatives are still the nasty party, and just because Dan is a eurosceptic it means anything he has to say is a load of tosh. Well frankly it's Harris that is spouting the tosh. In case he hadn't noticed, Hannan's speech had nothing to do with Europe but instead was an articulate and precise attack that hit every chink in Gordon's armour. More than that, it was also what many Americans wished they could say to Obama but have yet to find the voice, hence it's success across the pond. It wasn't just an attack on Brown and his government, but instead it was an attack on Obama and the whole dangerous borrow-and-spend-to-stimulate consensus that needs to be stamped out.Labour have been caught off their guard by the Dan Han sensation. It's coming up for 2 million views and they are left scratching heads. Instead of attempting to attack it for ridiculous reasons about Europe, why not take a long hard look in the mirror instead and allow yourselves to realise that this man is speaking the truth and the reason it is so popular is because it's correct! There is something about the Dan Han attacks that seem static and reserved when compare to Tom's usual flowing style. Is his heart really in them?
Come on Mr Harris you could be the Labour's Dan Han if you used your platform and following to be the boy to call out the emperor...