+++Breaking: Dale turns down TV appearence+++
Shock waves are being felt around the media world tonight after it emerged
Iain Dale
has turned down a TV appearance. It is understood that Iain broke the news to the GMTV producers privately, before announcing the ultimate bitch slap to the world via his Twitter feed
It'll never catch-on...
cheeky bugger.
4.30am?? Explains why Garraway looks so haggard all the time.
I simply refuse to believe this story is anything other then an absolute fabrication. Anybody who follows Mr Dale on twitter, or who reads his blog, will know full well that he would never, under any circumstances, refuse to whore himself out to a television producer in need.
That had to get Cameron to stand in for him.
Psst - lern hou two spel
Psst lern hou two spel
That's not why Garraway looks so haggard all the time.
Needs his beauty sleep? Needs a beauty coma!