+++All change at YBF+++
Just call him scoop - Word is reaching TB tonight that Christian May, the deputy Chairman of Conservative Future has resigned as Operations Director of the Young Britons' Foundation.
Just call him scoop - Word is reaching TB tonight that Christian May, the deputy Chairman of Conservative Future has resigned as Operations Director of the Young Britons' Foundation.
Alan Johnson just
"Ed Balls has just called me up about my post from this morning , hopping mad. He instructed me to "take that post down now". I thought he was joking: has there been some change to the constitution where ministers now have power over the media? But he was deadly serious. "You should not call me a liar," said Balls. I told him that if he doesn't want to be called a liar, “he shouldn't tell lies”."
Kim Il Sung's Wisdom of Foreseeing Weather
Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- It was early in June of Juche 70 (1981) when President Kim Il Sung gave field guidance to a co-op farm. Looking round the farm, he riveted his eyes upon one place for a while.
It was a magpie nest being made on a branch of a tall tree.
After staring at it, the President asked officials why the magpies were making the nest entrance sideward, not upward.
He told the officials, who racked their brains to find an answer to the unexpected question, that it would rain heavily this rainy season, it would not be an ordinary one but one accompanied with "torrential rain" and to make the entrance sideward was evidently for the magpies to protect their nest from the "torrential rain".
He emphasized that all the farms in the country should take thorough-going measures against the rainstorm and flood.
The officials looked up to and were deeply moved by the words of the President who clarified the essence of the question with prominent scientific penetration and extraordinary wisdom, seeing a natural phenomenon which was regarded as an ordinary one by others.
As he forecasted, the country was visited by heavy rain rare to be seen in history.
As the President taught, the officials and working people in the field of agriculture completed the preparation for preventing damage by heavy rain and storm before the rainy season and could protect all crops.
Copyright (C) KOREA NEWS SERVICE(KNS) All Rights Reserved.
The wheels are in motion and the date of the Norwich North by-election has been announced:
...another target for the
Labour are rattled. They are using lines that will not work and are essentially spreading lies that they wouldn't have to cut spending if they won the next election. (Ed: HA!) It seems that they are having a little problem with their grammar in their GoogleAd campaign though. No doubt the over ambitious intern who will be blamed for this cock up was educated under a Labour government:
Tories don't hate Bercow cause he shifted his political outlook, they hate him because he is an odious little toad. Happy now:
Unlike others, this guy wasn't stitched up be journos, he really is horrendous.
TB is wondering this morning who thought it would be a good idea to let the
TB deeply distrusts vegetarians and so does
CF top totty Serene Richards has written a piece for the official party
"As boastful as he is dishonest, Brown told a presumably smiling, nodding and drooling BBC interviewer that this is "the biggest ever reform of Parliament". Yeah, and this is the biggest ever fucking stable door we're closing. Where's the horse?"
A gem from
While stitching up the hand of a 75 year old Devon farmer, who cut it on a gate whilst working cattle, the rural doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to Gordon Brown and his appointment as Prime Minister.
"Well, you know," drawled the old farmer, "this Brown fellow is what they call a "fencepost tortoise".
Not being familiar with the term the doctor asked him what a "fencepost tortoise" was.
The old farmer said, "When you're driving along a country road and you come across a fence post with a tortoise balanced on top - that's called a fencepost tortoise."
The old farmer saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain, "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he definitely doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there and you just have to wonder what kind of idiot put him up there in the first place."
Tip of the Hat to the Silver Fox
This is the much longer, angrier, uncut version of a letter TB just wrote for today's Standard:
In the "halfpint is half full" sort of way, TB is attempting to look for a positive side to the election of Bercow. Maybe there is a lesson here for everyone- ruthless ambition wins the day. Nice guys finish last. If at first you don't succeed, whore yourself to Harman. And to think Labour once had the audacity to describe Dave as a chameleon.
So ten years hard work has paid off of for the Member for Buckingham, little Johnny has got what he wanted. If there is one positive message to come out of this result but it's pretty long winded and fairly tenuous. The election of John Bercow perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with the Labour Party and is the undeniable proof that they are unfit for government. Parliament has been at its lowest ebb for a century and this election was a chance, a real chance, for the six hundred odd men and woman that we, for better or for worse, put our blind faith in to represent us. This was a chance to show the country that they understood the anger and rage that is out there. Instead the Labour Party, in true fashion, decided to play political games.
Bercow wasn't the best candidate, he isn't clean and he sure as hell isn't honest. Let it not be forgotten that he has paid thousands of pounds back that he avoided paying in capital gains tax, an offence that has cost the careers of fellow MPs such as Kitty Usher. Not only that but Bercow topped the list of claimers of the Second Home Allowance and is paid around £35k to serve as an advisor to a Cayman Island healthcare company. Everything that the House needed has been spat back in the face of the voters. Labour danced with the devil, have been charmed by a snake, and all for the sake of a cheap shot at the blue team. Thankfully Dave didn't give them any satisfaction. From the Commons gallery TB watched as he and Bercow exchanged words before the result and it was DC that did his classic Blair-just-quit-every-backbencher-get-up-now-or- there-will-be-hell-to-pay turn and wave the troops to stand trick. (Incidentally TB is fairly sure the MP elected Speaker was meant to be dragged to the Chair. Bercow was up there like a greyhound. He was dragging the draggers.)
The members of the Parliamentary Labour Party are not statesman, they clearly do not understand the House and the dignity required to sit in it. For what it's worth Bercow gave a better than expected speech and seemed to realise the challenges that now face him. Ignoring half the House was Martin’s downfall and TB hopes Bercow is a little smarter. He's still a slippery little turd polisher, but to be fair, he has reached the top of his chosen greasy pole and nothing, this side of an election, can be done about it. The anger will subside and everyone has to knuckle down and make the best of a bad situation.
Parliament is crying out for change and frankly the first thing required is a general election. The green benches are too full with crooks and thieves and liars, fitting that they would crown a king of troughers in these troubled times. Whatever he has said in the last few months, Bercow is no reformer. He has been one of the worst troughers and he has yet another serious change to under go. It can be done. Hell it must be done.
TB wishes the new Speaker the best of luck. He'll bloody need it.
"Yes, it is quite extraordinary to think that the Prime Minister can make the time and effort to telephone both Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan, the two judges on ITV's Britain's Got Talent, to check on the health of a TV show contestant, but he wouldn't contact families waiting to learn the fate of their sons kidnapped in Iraq. I'm not surprised though. They don't give a damn."
This just pinged into TB's inbox. At least someone still loves Gordon:
Don't know what this guy is smoking but it's messing with his head.
Bertie the cat hadn't too been well in the last few weeks and sadly he didn't make it through the weekend. TB was away and has come home to a very empty sofa. He was very old though, here he is a couple of years ago, doing what he did best - taking it very easy:
So TB ventured out of his normal comfort zone last night for a friend's birthday and headed for a night out in Brixton. It wasn't quite what he was expecting, but it wasn't the strange combination of serious dance fans and wannabe "rah-vers" that stood out. Towards the end of the night TB clocked what one of the
Having spent four years in the northern wilderness, TB has been waiting a while to hit the London party scene again. He will be reporting back and as the story below from today's
TB work up with a bit of a groggy head this morning thanks to cocktails with a pretty lady.
Apologies for the shameless use of Twitter for amusing stories today, TB isn't
Nice to see that the NUS, an organisation with an overdraft almost the size as UK plc, isn't cutting back on presidential perks:
TB bets that whoever designed Brian Binley's
Strange timing on the
TB's good buddy Muheed Jeeren has penned this from Sri Lanka where he has returned to live after studying in the UK. A big player on the Boris campaign and a general legend, he gives an interesting insight into the relationship between the Muslim community and the Conservative Party.
"I'm perfectly liberal, I just think gays should be shot before they spread the disease to us straights."
Apologies for the lack of stories. After what was a hectic, but great, week TB let of a little steam at a couple of parties.
Just got back from deepest Somerset. Bit of a mission to get home on two hours sleep, but god damn it those west-country folk can party. Camera wasn't working, but imagine this tune was playing loud from the top of a hill, looking over the Avon, as the sun came up:
Cracking night.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is no one as ruthless a wannabe hack, but it's never very nice when someone you considered to be on friendly terms with sells you down the river for the sake of a thirty quid by-line.
Here's what the
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