Quote of the Year

Happy New Year folks. TB understands

at 09:16
Labels: Edinburgh Rector, George Foulkes, Iain Gray, Iain Macwhirter
The task is simple: to transform the city using a bottom up approach through working with the local community, local charities and local entrepreneurs.
Yes TB knows he is meant to be packing but a nice little scoop to leave on. This has come from a couple of places but people are being very cagey...
at 23:00
Labels: Claire Hazelgrove, Julian Smith, Labour HQ, Skipton and Ripon, Sue Macmillan, Totty
TB is off the Caribbean until New Year's Eve. He won't be replying to emails, or twitter or unless Brown resigns, his phone. Ever the caring compassionate type he won't be abandoning you completely though. Instead for the next week a dozen or so of the bear's favourite posts, some serious, some very silly, from the last twenty months will be auto-posted.
Congratulations to Labour's Chief Whip and uber-chump Nick Brown for diverting taxpayer funded civil service resources in attempts to see off challengers in his own constituency. Guido
The role Sky News played in achieving these leadership debates should not be forgotten. Adam Boulton will no doubt be toasting his success having aggressively got the ball rolling with this. As TB is feeling lazy and festive he thought he would rehash a post from back when the leadership debates were first mooted. A look as some classic moments. Will these debates be election game changers? Probably not. Will the blogosphere be the place for the fact checking, rabid rebuttal and quicker than you can say Nick Robinson post match analysis? Probably. Should Nick Clegg be given such undeserved publicity? Absolutely not.
There is lots of tonight about the fact that this is a big risk for Dave. TB disagrees. Cameron has been up and down the country facing the public for months and months at Cameron Direct town hall events. He has taken and tackled pretty much every conceivable question that could be thrown at him, from cuts and spending to aliens and cocaine. Clegg has been on a desperate "me too" tour but frankly no one cares what the Lib Dems think and letting a schoolboy play with the big boys in these debates isn't going to change a thing. In the mean time Brown has been cowering in his bunker, is crap on television and all it will take is few of those paedo grins, a few "Can I I I I I er er er finish Adam" lines and a snap of temper and it's a sealed deal. As long as Cameron remains the cool, calm and articulate debater he is known to be then there is very little to worry about these debates. He is easily the most telegenic, expressive and emotive of the three and that will be conveyed.
TB thinks the expression he is after is "Game On!"
Unless they are careful, the UK debates could turn into nothing more than soundbyte ping-pong. These are moments we want to see:
Who's got some good put downs for Dave to use?
Apologies for the radio silence. TB braved Selfridges, a surprisingly civilised affair after a trip to the champagne bar. He is winding down for Christmas and will be lying on a beach in forty eight hours. The blackberry is probably staying at home.TB hears that Labour have wound themselves into a right little panic about
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