Quote of the Day

Dave's speech
at Imperial. He gave a sound performance over civil liberties and stripping back the state. The quote of the day has be his reponse to a question about fighting the BNP in which he described them as a:"...bunch of retarded racists."
Always refreshing when a politicain doesn't hold back and it seems DC has taken a leaf out of Bo Jo's book with this one.
It's an insult to people with learning difficulties to compare them to the members of the BNP!
I am inclined to agree with the sentiment, though.
It's not very clever of DC is it? They're not just racists - they're "retarded racists". If that's going to be the substance of his response to the rise of the BNP then we're f***ed.
Insults are not ideas, derision is not substance and smugness is not intelligence.
Really the established political class have no ideas at all how to combat the rise of the racist left, national socialists.
Curiously call me Dave supports a violent fascist group himself, the UAF, an organisation dedicated to violence and silencing anyone critical of the multicultural experiment.
What price hypocricy Dave?
To understand the phenomena, you have to go beyond childish playground taunts and rediscover the appeal of such groups through recent history.
The National Socialist / Fascist movements grew out of impotent frustration with the existing ruling classes, who ignored the genuine concerns of ordinary people, ring any bells yet?
Instead of insults our political class had better find some solutions to very real concerns, or they will inevitably fall by the wayside, as this very real and growing unrest, turns into something really ugly.
Therin lies the crux of the problem, all the three main parties have adopted positions over time that are unpopular with the people of the country, be it the EU, mass immigration, law and order or the preservation of the grasping, venal, self serving, us and them political class. Attempting to silence those who in desperation reach out to the extremes, with Soviet style denounciations is never going to succeed.
In fact just the opposite will occur and inevitably escalate the situation.
Racism is stupid, but self preservation is not and believe it or not, the people flocking to the BNP are very concerned and angry with the political elites who have ignored them for decades and pretended that black was white ( excuse the pun ) and that the wholesale change of this unique island forever, without any consultation, discussion or permission, was inevitable or desirable.
Talk is cheap Dave, action is difficult, politically incorrect action, even harder. Yet until someone does something, the racist, isolationist, protectionist BNP, will grow, not because people necessarily agree with their core policies as such, but because people will percieve that they are the only party prepared to speak up against what they see as a threat to them, their livelihoods and their way of life.
Its time to get real, or get bypassed.