Ben Bradshaw has an attitude problem...

magazine helped Ben Bradshaw MP with his parliamentary duties...?
.TB is working on some more serious, potentially criminal, larger scandals, but will try keep the smaller, funnier stuff coming.
At least he"came out of the closet" and good luck to him.
Good looking fella as well,could have been a film star
Why should he be able to buy the economist and not Attitude?
errr is that a joke? one is a well respected source of infomation about the economy and the other is the gay equivalent of nuts.
wot about the KY Jelly ?
"In addition to celebrity interviews the magazine also includes serious features on a range of subjects, which have included the plight of gay asylum seekers and the rise of the far right in Eastern Europe, the current US Presidential election campaign as well as 'real life' editorial such as male rape and body image issues."
Not quite Nuts
A quick look at the magazine website (there's a first time for everything) reveals such stories as:
"Dentists Clive and kevin were dying to sink their teeth into each other. There was just one problem: Kevin’s boyfriend..."
How does this help him with his Parliamentary duties? I've no problem with him buying this, I just don't see why we should pay for it.
It really makes me chuckle that things have sunk so low with our formerly esteemed Parliament that Christian May has had to research the contents of a gay lifestyle magazine. Have these awful Labour MPs no shame? Poor C.M.
Tattler, thanks for your concern..! I'm just trying to do my bit for accountability and honesty in public life. I'm no hero... I stress again that his choice of reading doesn't concern me in the slightest. I just resent paying for it with my taxes.
C.M. is quite clearly a better person than myself. I am somewhat afronted by the choice of reading material of our M.P.s as has been exposed in the F.I.R. John Reid claimed for a book explaining basic economics? Balls claimed for a book to teach himself to cheer up? I believe we should all be fairly disturbed by the reading material chosen by members of our esteemed parliament.
However I must congratulate all the people who have larger attention spans than yours truly on their continued pursuit of truth their exposition of the total lack of integrity of these cocaine Socialists. It takes an effort which I simply cannot muster to go through all that black ink.
"TB is working on some more serious, potentially criminal, larger scandals".
In an entirely non-partisan fashion, of course.
I believe that the receipt is from May 2007 (hard to confirm) but that would suggest that if he wasn't a regular subscriber to the magazine then something on the front cover of the May 2007 issue caught his eye...
Whatever floats your boat Ben.
Hmmm. It may have more flesh than The Economist but Attitude also features plenty of very good and serious journalism and has a strong interest in politics.
It isn't the "gay equivalent of Nuts."
Indeed it was the first gay magazine to publish an interview with a sitting Prime Minister.