, again. Apparently they don't appreciate a little bit of scrutiny and think that banning one his many points of access will stop this. TB would avoid reading the Mirror tomorrow if you are of the sandal wearing, bearded, yellow freak variety.Not so Liberal now are you?
Ha.... And they have the temerity to call them ''open forums'' ?
In their utopian dreams they do I suppose
You've been banned due to link spamming - all your posts were just promoting your blog, which should get you banned from any decent forum.
How much did you get paid for getting an entire sentence into the Mirror. If you got a pound a word, then that's £20! Maybe you can retire on that...
"For those who have got in touch to ask why their comments/essays haven't appeared - well this is TB's blog and therefore while you are here you play by TB's rules... If you don't like it then get your own blog."
Well I assume thier forums have the same rules - no?
The difference to you 'Anonymous' (read, spineless) commenters, is that TB is a blog, not an 'open forum'.
Links can be put into signatures and not classed as spamming- so what's the difference? You reckon any half decent forum will ban someone for linking in their sigs?
For shame, you totalitarian knuckleheads!
I'm not a sandal wearing wastrel but still, the mirror? That paper is only of use if I've run out of toilet paper!
well come on them, wheres this article?
They are Open Forums which have many Tory- and even the odd Labour- contributor. Indeed, they are probably one of the few examples of their ilk. The tone (normally) is civilised and constructive. Tory Bear just kept starting threads linking to his blog. It was only a matter of time before he was asking me to transfer funds to his Nigerian bank account or to flog me Viagra. At least the Mirror keeps him hard...
Great how all the Anti-TB comments are from people without the guts to put their (or indeed any) name to them.
(I understand if you won't publish that, but I just wanted to say it)
'Great how all the Anti-TB comments are from people without the guts to put their (or indeed any) name to them.'
This coming from the blog who refuses to publish his own name? For shame...
i think you'd have to be pretty bloody useless and not even have a basic grasp of google not to know who runs this blog. tt has been in papers, on sky news yesterday and even in the comments here occasionally.
oh of course it is, we all know who he is, where he went to uni, and so on and so forth, but its a bit much to complain about other people who won't publish thier name on this blog when neither does the author...
I'm a user of the open LY forums. I don't know why TB has been banned, but I'd guess it's because of his publication of comments taken from the restricted forums. This is obviously against the rules, and even if it was done in the highest principle of journalistic integrity rather than in some odd, petty smear, it's fairly predictably going to get your account stopped.
I can, however, confirm that TB is hardly the most constructive poster on there - I doubt I'll miss his occasional plugs.
"Great how all the Anti-TB comments are from people without the guts to put their (or indeed any) name to them. "
Why did your parents choose to call you tweek?
Tory Bear wreaks of minor public school.
With spelling like that you reek of pre-GCSE drop out.
Touche TB, defend your M.P.S!! I think those Faux-Liberal meanies should just pipe down and stop being so horrid.
"Why did your parents choose to call you tweek?"
About the same time as yours called you "Anonymong" I imagine.
Firstly - the LY forums have a number of moderators who act separately from the organisation itself - indeed one at least is a Tory - and they make these decisions.
TB would have been most welcome to become a regular contributer to the forums as many other Conservatives - including three who feature in the boards' list of ten most active members - do.
Sadly, all Tory Bear used the forums for was to post links to his own website. More recently it SEEMS that he - or his human alter ego - used someone else's ID to access the restricted area of the site and decided to make a quick buck by selling material copied from inside.
The speech on the Liberal Youth forums is some of the free-est around and anyone who enjoys debating politics would be welcome to come on over and say hi - but if you flagrantly violate the house rules as TB has then you too will get banned. Liberalism requires the fair application and rule of law!
Benjamin Mathis
ex-LY Exec