Homophobia is Gay...

has been digging out photos of Luke Richards, the (former?) President of the Warwick University Liberal Democrats. TB too wonders what Brian Paddick, the gay Lib Dem candidate to be Mayor of London, would have to say about Mr Richards comments regarding the shooting of homosexuals in order to prevent the spreading of "the disease". The comments have now been pulled from the closed section of the Liberal Youth Forums
where they were prominently displayed until late yesterday. TB wonders how active Richards was during this recent campaign from Liberal Youth:
Why the double standards?
I suspect if Brian Paddick saw the comment he'd laugh, Lib Dems aren't exactly known for their homophobia, unlike those Section 28loving Tories.
he did'nt mention aids did he?
I wonder what has riled you more: the fact that we said this and will escape notice for it, or that he said it about not wanting to see you outside Chris Rennard's Stockwell-on-Sea holiday home in your Speedos.
Which we all know you don't actually own... right? :D
Essentially, many Lib Dems are so bitter from losing all the time, so they end up making jokes like these as par for the course. The insults are even worse, imagine the leadership contest but all the time, oh and you should have heard some of the jokes doing the rounds in London when Ivan passed away....
why the double standards? Because the Tories will probably win the next election and the Liberal Democrats are irrelevant.
However valid the argument that the comments, if made by a Tory, would have been national news is, it still doesn't change the fact that they were made in jest.
Though I knew Westminster, obsessed as it is with image and perception, had long since surgically removed its' sense of humour, I'd rather hoped TB and others had not.
'...if this was a tory who had made these comments, the tabloids would be running it by now and kicking up a right fuss.'
'Tory Bear' - I think you might be flattering yourself there.
Mr Bear, you really do seem to like talking about the whole "gay" issue. It seems to me that those Tories who want to seem all "modernised" without actually changing any of their hard-line, market-fundamentalist ideas do tend to do this.
Now, of course, I do not think that homosexuals should be victimised but I do not think that this current fad for, effectively, encouraging its public expression is neither right nor something anybody describing themselves as "conservative" should be taking part in.
Surely, as Conservatives, we should be encouraging family values. We should be trying to improve peoples "general welfare" and, as endless studies have shown, this is best achieved though a return to a family centered society. If we are encouraging extra-marital sex (which, of course, homosexual sex is by default) then how can we possibly be working effectively for a family centered society?
Section 28 was a good law, the only problem with it was that it only banned promoting homosexual sex. What possible reason could any responsible teacher have for encouraging any form of sex outside marriage?!
It should not be illegal to have sex outside marriage or have homosexual sex but saying that is quite a different thing from saying that we should should be encouraging either!
i Trully agree with TOM FD
Why there has been double standards.....?