Clone Wars

Tickets are selling nicely so take advantage of the £5 price tag while you can. You'll also have an opportunity to get your hands on one of these little fellas:

Copyright 2010 Tory Bear. All Rights Reserved. Email Tory Bear on
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"If You go down to the Woods today..You're sure of a Blue Surprise..."
Don't give him any ideas for God's sake Sally!
I am sure he has plenty of his own...
TB - My Karaoke ticket is purchased. See you in Manchester.
Its not letting me pay through pay-pal. When you click on the link it just goes to the paypal home page and I cant find the event on the website.
working now.
Why why why?
WHY do this on the same night as Dan Han's 'freedom dinner' ???
I've bought a ticket anyway. I'll try and get along after the dinner.
Keep one back for me TB. Just got back from the Labour Conference to find my bank cards have stopped working for some reason!!!! Can I blame this on the curse of Gordon?
I want one of the bears, Bear.