Harman Smears Osborne
It seems that
Paul Waugh
did a double take too when listening to Harriet Harman's sexist rantings this lunchtime. As TB said at the time
, it seems Ms. Harman has been attending evening classes at the Damian McBride School of Political Studies. Paul goes into more detail
:Contrasting Labour's record on equalities and feminism with that of the Tories, she said that David Cameron would extend foxhunting rights to everyone, while George Osborne would replace a SureStart in every community with "a lapdancing club in every community".
I immediately thought this was odd. Why single out Osborne and lapdancing? There is no Shadow Treasury policy on the issue, as far as I am aware. Could this have been a sly reference to something about Osborne's private life? After all the News of the World had snaps of him in his youth next to a prostitute - snaps that were referred to in the "smeargate" affair.
Anyway, I've just been told by sources close to Harman that no smear was intended. It was simply meant to be a jokey reference to lapdancing club tickets distributed during last year's Tory conference in Birmingham.
Yeah right.

New Campaign
Send an underdog
The most important thing to ask here is... will there be lapdancing tickets THIS year? :D
"It was simply meant to be a jokey reference to lapdancing club tickets distributed during last year's Tory conference in Birmingham."
It doesn't read like that! By resorting to pathetic slurs Harriet Harman is doing nothing to promote women in politics or increase political engagement generally.
A low point for the office of Leader of The House of Commons.