News in Blue Briefs
This has to be TB's fav News in Briefs in a while:

"David Cameron is the man. Looking at his background, he needs to prove he's in touch with hard-working Britons. However this is his time. Everyone will expect him to make things better. He can't possibly do this instantly as he will inherit huge, long-term, deep rooted problems. WE need to allow him time to implement fresh ideas and polices that will get the country off its knees."

funnily enough,the picturelooked as if keeley could be doing with coming in from the cold.
must be worth a quote of the day!
Someone should put together a video collage of Gordon pics, combined with todays Sun front page and set it to this piece of music
I'd do it myself but I have not the skills
I think Keeley would probably love an I <3 TB thong for her next forray onto P3...
"..get the country off its knees.."
Am I the only one thinking that as long as she stays on hers all will be well ;)
" Everyone will expect him to make things better. He can't possibly do this instantly as he will inherit huge, long-term, deep rooted problems. "
Aye ah ken what she means like.
Thatcherism still lingers deep in some peoples lingerie. ha ha ha :)
Being totally un-pc here, but am I the only one that was shocked that her quote was fairly intellectual for a typical page 3 girl??
Ah, the lovely Keeley Hazell - a long-term supporter of the Conservatives I believe.