Conference Karaoke and Drinks
After the roaring success of TB's conference party last year, this time he thought he would try something a little different:

Get your advanced ticket for just a fiver - which gives you the chance to reserve songs. Special guests including MPs, bloggers, CCHQ staff and MEPs have already been confirmed. Some very unlikely faces too! Don't miss out, space is pretty limited so TB recommends you reserve your ticket now.
For various reasons that will make the evening more relaxed, TB won't be revealing the location of the party until nearer the time. It is however close to the conference venue and will let us stay until the wee hours.

Party for Change
. These warm up drinks will run from 7.30 until 9pm and means you will miss the queues for the main event. If you would like to come along to this then please do drop him an email and he will pop you on the list.Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and lots of new ones on both Monday and Wednesday of conference.

Having a problem making the payment.
Can I pay you at the quiz?
ok appears paypal link is playing up. will fix asap.
I assume you mean that your event will be on 5th October and hasn't already happened!
ah to be a tory for but one day... that seems like quite the party
I might be being blind, but I can't see the Paypal link for the karaoke. Are tickets still available?
Well I think I've made it work. I was being blind.