Wednesday, 29 July 2009

TV debates?

TB would love to see a line as good as this one, a real nail in the coffin, delivered to Brown in a pre-election television spar:

Mandy has apparently

spoken out of line
with his suggestion that Gordon had warmed to the idea. It's always the opposition leader that calls for television debates so it's refreshing to hear at least someone in government is thinking about the idea. While the real PM may want them, Brown is a coward of the highest order who has shirked away from every challenge he has ever faced. He avoids PMQs at the drop of a hat and TB isn't holding his breath for a television debate.

The tories should keep the pressure on though.


Cornish Conservative

Actually.... Prior to the 97 election, didn't John Major agree to call's from the then opposition leader Tony Blair for a TV debate only for Mr Blair to chicken out.
I'm sure I also remember someone dressed up as a chicken following the Labour leaders battle bus hinting to him that it would be a rather good idea.
It just goes to show how spineless Labour leaders have been and always will be....

Tory Outcast

Nick Clegg has declared an interest.

Should just be set it up and if Brown doesn't turn up then this will tell the electorate all they need to know.

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