Just Tax
While TB is across the pond he feels duty bound to pick up on a little local news. This video has been doing the rounds here. It seems the GOP are finally getting with the program. After a series of dreadful attempts at getting down with the kids on the interweb, the right are finally errr.. getting it right - 100k hits so far. Yes the video is budget, amateur and camp as hell, but at least it will make people laugh and doesn't attempt to be anything other than a humorous look at what is going on right now.
If you didn't laugh you would cry.
I want those 4 minutes back!
But.... but.... this is just literally retarded. Obama promised to cut spending, and Bush was the one who pushed up the deficits in order to avoid taxing people, and in fact gave tax breaks to appeal to their lowest common denominator.
Also, Americans pay very little tax anyway.
Painful to watch.
Painful to watch.