Politician of the Year?
There are mutterings afoot about why George Osborne was crowned politician of the year last night by GQ. While he may take a lot of mud from the likes of Mandy and the increasingly desperate reds, let's not forget the significance of Osborne to where the Conservatives are now.
Some people
may object to him being given the top crown but you nobody can deny the fact he gave the speech of the year last November:Congratulations to George.

Great vid, must have missed it first time around.
You are right TB, he has been and will be for the forseeable future one of the conservative party's most valuable assets. He may not have the appeal in public of Cameron or Hague but in terms of getting things done and sorting out the mess the country is in, he will be vital. And he does seem very capable of explaining his economic policy in a simple enough way for laymen like me to understand and that is essential. He's also with the assistance of Cameron given himself the mandate for spending cuts and done it in such a way that the public has accepted it as the only logical choice. He's got my goodwill and he's going to need a lot more post election because he's probably got the toughest job in the world of politics awaiting him. Fixing Brown's mess.