George Foulkes disgraces himself, again.
TB has apparently been the centre of a "defamation row" with Lord George Foulkes before. It's the first he has heard of it described as that, but then that isn't the only blatant inaccuracy in
this piece
from yesterday's Scotsman. See if you can spot the glaringly obvious first one. He is therefore going to tread very carefully with this one... but...
“I think with any public expenditure, with taxpayers’ money being spent, the taxpayer should know what it is being spent on.”
Well yes, but wow, just wow - coming from the man who claims expenses both at Westminster and Holyrood - claiming some £45k to stay at a house he inherited and another £54k on top of that in Lord's expenses. Coming from teh man who, in the middle of the expenses scandal, attacked the a BBC news presenter saying she was paid "to come on TV and sneer at democracy and undermine democracy. The vast majority of MPs are being undermined by you". He wen on to accuse the Telegraph expose of being some sort of public school boy jape. The guy is a joke.
Jess The Dog
is very very angry, TB will let him take it from here:The years of binge drinking - culminating in his arrest for drunken assault - must have really softened his brain.
The Telegraph reports
that the MoD has responded to Foulkes's pathetic attempt to smear General Sir Richard Dannatt. Foulkes submitted a series of Parliamentary Questions to dig out details of the generals use of helicopters and cost of entertaining and accommodation.This backfired when General Dannatt released details of his own expenses independently, evidence of a far-from-lavish lifestyle and in fact commendable economy.
However, Foulkes is still trying to make mischief.
“I think in particular the use of helicopters for non-operational engagements was something that raised my eyebrows at a time when he has commented on the lack of helicopters in Afghanistan.”
What a load of absolute drivel. The helicopters used by Dannatt will be of a certain type and model (most likely Squirrels, used as training aircraft) also used by a range of senior officers, civil servants and VIPs including politicians. The helicopters that British troops need - to save lives that are being lost weekly - are medium to heavy lift helicopters, in particular the Chinook. Two Chinooks have been lost recently in Afghanistan - the airframes destroyed on the ground - so the need is even more urgent. Training and civilian helicopters are utterly useless for troop transport. There's also the small matter of the combat-ready aircrew to fly the aircraft (including the two loadmasters to get the troops and equipment on and off), the groundcrew to service the aircraft....all cut back over a decade of Labour underfunding and cutbacks.
Foulkes is beneath contempt - he is using the lives of dead soldiers to score a pathetic political point through an utterly misleading comparison, in order to further his own class war agenda and a Labour regime in terminal decline.
TB couldn't agree more. One day, and it's coming soon, this country will be rid of this bunch of dispicable smearing thugs and we can begin the long process of rebuilding a political system based on respect and adherence to the people who lay down their lives to defend it.
This Labour government, represented by Foulkes, is not worth one drop of soldiers blood.

George Foulkes is the cringe of Scottish politics. This despicable little weird man with face cheeks like that of a Hamster storing its food for hibernation can dish it out but is like a little spoilt brat when its flung back at him.
Its not surprising the Scotsman has mashed its article up a bit. Just about every quote in that rag is from George Foulkes.
Glad you posted the hypocrisy of this stupid little man. Indeed he wheezes about other peoples expenses yet he himself was under investigation for his lavish expenses.
The guy is so paranoid and farcical that he even mentioned cybernats posting on the Scotsman forums on News night, come on what other politician would sit up ll hours to read who said what on a little used and ill moderated forum ?
TB a great article you have posted but just one thing, George Foulkes ain't Scottish, we have enough weird and wonderful characters of our own without adding this crack pot to our pot.
Some days ago TB made a virtue of the fact that he hadn't been to Eton. That's a shame because had he had that advantage in life, he would know that someone styled "Lord George Foulkes" would be the son of a duke, or in this case a drink-sodden scumbag son of a duke.
Glad to be able to help.
It runs in the family...
Published Date: 18 April 2007
EVEN on the other side of the world, Labour is embroiled in election controversy.
Alex Foulkes, the academic son of Scots Labour stalwart Lord George Foulkes, is reported to be involved in a row that is rocking the New Zealand Labour Party.
According to a local paper, Foulkes jnr has been accused of "drinking and aggression towards branch members and harassing people with early-morning phone calls" during a campaign to be elected chairman of the party's branch in Princes Street, Auckland. As result, he has been suspended from the party's e-mail list, denied access to the branch membership to campaign, and - worst of all - barred from the Auckland University pub.
Young Alex vehemently protests his innocence and, according to the newspaper, even claims his home is being watched by agents from the New Zealand intelligence agencies.
In that regard, at least, his father may be able to help. Lord Foulkes is a member of parliament's intelligence and security committee and has privileged access to all sorts of sensitive secrets