Congratulations to Elaine Bagshaw...
...On the twentieth resignation from her executive! In the two years the Liberal Youth Chairman has presided over the ridiculous organisation it seems no one, bar her most loyal apparatchiks, can stand her.
However do the membership even know about this? It happened last week, or does TB have to be their news wire now?
"Yeah, Dan Snowden resigned as VC Finance a while back. Not that anyone outside the exec has heard the news, because the silencing of the LY forums has made sure that things LY members ought to know aren't getting to them. Not through the usual channels, anyway. Elaine's clampdown on free speech could backfire horribly."
The plot thickens.

20 resignations in 15 months (not 2 years).
By the end of Elaine's second year, if she keeps going at this rate there'll have been 32.
Let's hope she lives up to this target.
Tory Bear,
There was an all member email asking for members to stand forward as a by-election candidate awhile ago.
So you are wrong on that account, and since I ask what was the reason, I can say it is quite justifed.
You don't get out much do you?
Matthew Casey
Former GEM member (2008-2009)
Well TB is very glad they stay in touch with former gem members, (did you quit too btw?) however the four members I rang to confirm this story hadn't heard anything about a resignation so my point still stands.
thanks for stopping by.
Dan Snowdon resigned a week ago due to time commitments and a co-option to fill the vacancy was advertised in an all member mailing on the Second of September. This in sharp contrast to CF's communication with its own members
Youth politics is a volunteer lead initiative and is a time consuming and demanding vocation, as I am sure you well know, this is backed up by the high turnover on the CF board.
With an executive team, not including committees, 3 times larger than CF, inevitably we have more resignations.
As an aside, the idea that without the forums no-one would know what’s going on is nonsense - about 10 people actually used the closed section day to day where that would have been advertised.
If the members you alledge have'nt been receving the monthly all member mailing they should contact the office at
I am sorry to see Dan go, but he judged he did not have the time, and rightly made way for someone who will.
Martin Shapland
TB, I didn't quit I stayed to serve my full term and did not choose to restand, as I was taking on too much with University and other Lib Dem stuff.
A Yell! email should have arrived in thier inbokes (if they had given thier email address to Liberal Youth), saying that there is a by-election for the position of VC Finance. A by-election occurs when there is a resigration. Maybe ask your Liberal Youth friends namely Sara, to check thier inboxes.
Much liberalism,
when you have 15,000 members instead of 800 obviously a few will slip through the net. There has not been a "high turnover" on the cf board. 2 people have stood down?
2 Martin, vs 20. Nice try.
Now i've been meaning to ask you for a while.. tell me that post you put up on your other blog, you know the one you removed after i left a comment on.. anyway... please tell me that post you put up when you were drunk or off your face on something was about Elaine?? The one one where you couldn't get the woman out of your mind or something blah blah, (don't worry I saved it on my other computer,)
It was very sweet if it was... Does she know how you feel?
The post hasn’t been deleted, my other blog had become a private journal after setting up the namesake on this blog, and the privacy settings were not set correctly, but have been now.
I can, however, reassure you and your readers that I wasn’t blogging about Elaine, and yes - the cognac might have affected my temptation to hit the send button that night.
Martin Shapland
Daniel didn't resign so much as never took office. That much was blatantly clear even before September Yell 7 days ago - which I read. If you knew a thing about men, you'd know they aren't usually interested in my email inbox...
Otherwise, I cannot stress the importance of having a good VC Finance going into the GE - what happened at the last GE is what's happening now. Elaine has completely monopolised power over the finances just like Chris Lomax in 2005 did and we ended up bankrupt. The Exec should sort it out pronto.
"theliberalshowman said...Dan Snowdon resigned a week ago due to time commitments and a co-option to fill the vacancy was advertised in an all member mailing on the Second of September."
Thank you, Martin Shapland, for just confirming every detail of this story.
Yep, "time commitments" sounds about right. Who'd want to commit time to being threatened and bullied by Elaine?
Dan had been itching to be VC Finance, and would've been a very good VC Finance, if he'd had a chance to get his feet under the desk.
To be honest, I am not going to get involed with LY again, due to the conflict on both sides.So I am not going to reply to your post Sara.
Christ, these Fib Dems aren't very bright, are they?
You'd think with all the Hitler Youth controversy of the last few months, they'd have been extra-careful to nt drop any clangers.
This forum malarkey's a bit of an own goal.
You just did...
Besides, don't you think it's a bit late, Matt. You say it as if you were remotely non-partisan during the who debacle.
We all know that's not true now don't we?!! ;)
Wow. Perhaps some people should sue the LY election candidates for stealing ideas?
Lib Dumbs can't do anything right. They can't even capitalise on Labour's failure.
Well, I was not the one sending nasty messages to the membership, so please forgive if I was not supportive towards your campaign to be Chair (No wonder you would them back). As it was the weekend after your heckle that you lost my support, when you choose let rip on Corey when it was totally non-deserved.
hehehe at least LY are massively amusing. Not entirely useless/pointless after all.
Drink later TB?
My disagreement with Corey was completely uncalled for and therefore I duly apologised afterwards.
I was also not the individual who defamed her own VCs on here election website, undermined her Honorary President and bullied her member of staff.
What is more concerning is your dubious relationship with Duncan Borrowman. You poured fuel on the fire in your own little way. Get off your high and barely literate horse.
This story is very amusing as are all the bitching comments between Liberal Youth members. It has entertained me greatly as a former vic..I mean member of Liberal Youth.
Hear, hear, Duncan Borrowman's a complete moron - the most illiberal, authoritarian, hypocritical idiot in the party, and in a party which still has his old boss Rennard as a member, that's saying something.
Whenever I want to know what stance the Liberal Democrats should take on something, I visit Duncan's blog, or check his Facebook or Twitter status.
Whatever he says, I know that the opposite is where we should be.
So it's not surprising that he always sticks up for Elaine...
"It has entertained me greatly as a former vic..I mean member of Liberal Youth."
Come on Paul, we all parted amicably in the end, and a lot of people still have a lot of time for you in the organisation. If you were about to say victim, that does seem a little unfair.
Anyway, you should have tried being chair mate. Fun times.
I am very surprised that this ended up on Tory Bear. I am training to be a Modern Languages teacher at secondary school level and quite frankly would not have had the time in order to do the job properly.
Moreover, I didn't know until after being elected that I was serious about going into the teaching profession.
I would also like to state that I am not a member of any "side" in Liberal Youth. One just has to look at the NUS to realise the dangers of picking sides - nothing gets done!!!
I hope that sets the record straight now that you have my reason in full.
I will return to the more important things in my life of planning lessons and marking books.