UPDATE: #CPC #cpc09
If you hate Twitter look away now.
As Labour's swan song in Brighton draws to a close attention inevitably shifts toward the Tories. People have tentatively begun tweeting with a different combination of hash tags for Dave's rave in Manchester. Hash tags should be obvious and short - Conservative Party Conference?
UPDATE 23:45: Apologies for the continued techiness, however, after much discussion with the Tory twitterati a compromise of #cpc09 has been drawn. CPC was getting confused with the Conservative Party of Canada, apparently. TB didn't know what all the fuss was aboot.
Having been an absolute loser for the last hour he is now going to finish the video he has been trying to work on all day. All sorts of things have cropped up though.
Watch this space.

Anything but #Con09 - can't give a boon to the socialists!
It looks like CPC will tangle us up in Canadian Politics.
#CPC sounds good - lets get tweeting.
Has the bear not spotted the great spelling mistake in Labour's PPB: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00n3st7/Party_Political_Broadcasts_Labour_Party_30_09_2009/?t=2m31s
Spelling Educational wrongly, you can't make it up.