Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Good news.

Another former Conservative Future excutive member has been

selected for a seat
. Though the majority is 13k
Karen Allen
will have the double pleasure of fighting her home constituency and taking on the increasingly embarassing David Milliband.

Could she be the Stephen Twigg of 2010?

TB hopes so and wishes her the best of luck.

Cue backlash...

Tory Bear has written a comment piece about the recent farcical student protests for the Edinburgh newspaper

The Journal
. It seems he has already "tickled a few trouts" even though the article has only been up for a few hours.
"When a dozen or so students stormed their campus, university officials cut the power, wifi and access to loos. They refused to negotiate, and very soon the whole thing began to fizzle out. That was New York University. The reaction at Edinburgh was a very different affair, one that has left the reputation of the university tarred and set a worrying precedent. A strange phenomenon has spread from campus to campus this term in the form of a small bunch of well organised, well equipped and well out of line protesters illegally occupying various buildings across American and European universities. The general model for these sit-ins has been the same: get in there, take some photos, set up a blog and watch the chaos ensue as you block thousands of students from receiving the education for which they are paying. How much these protests have actually achieved is open for debate. Last time I checked I don't think the Israeli government was considering a radical change in policy based on twenty-odd students, a guitar and the "creative space" they made for themselves to change the world in.

When the George Square Theatre was occupied last week, it at first seemed that the university was giving tacit consent to the actions of the protesters. They kept the wifi on, allowing them to pump their thinly disguised anti-Zionist thought across the world via their website and Flickr. This really was a 21st century protest, as the glimpse into their press operation showed. I wonder what the protesters of '68 would have thought about sitting around drinking herbal tea while furiously typing into your Mac and checking the Blackberry. The university even opted to keep the heating on, fearing that because of health and safety laws, the building had to be kept above a certain temperature. "

You can read the rest of the article

The Journal's normally semi-level headed leader writer seems to have a
wee dig
at TB for unduly criticising these protesters, but it's hardly unfair to raise the point that real hippies don't have Macs and Blackberries. (The evidence of which was strangely recently removed from their
.) Whatever you want to call them, be it champagne swampies, eco-rahs, or middle class idiots throwing their toys out of the pram while pretending to be oh-so-bleeding-heart socialists, they deserve to be ridiculed. They might have tried to hide it but luckily TB saved the evidence for just this occasion:
Though it has been temptestuous in the past, TB is beginning to enjoy the relationship he has with The Journal. Though they were
far from helpful
during his own
into the horrible world of
student politics
, and every week less than fair to friends, he does enjoy banter like this and the platform for
lefties. They have been in financial trouble recently and had to be bailed out by the student's association for office space for the next year, after they couldn't make the rent and get an edition out. While it would be a shame to see the entrepreneurial venture go under, news is reaching TB this morning that there might be further trouble for the team...

Details are sketchy but Tory Bear understands the ball is in motion for legal action to be bought against the paper by an Edinburgh student.


Off with their heads...

Apparently this is an

"offensive symbol"
Apparently it is the
"butchers apron..."

Though the nats use it all the time about their beloved Saltire, TB would like to remind you all of what Henry Beecher once said: "A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation's flag, sees not only the flag, but the nation itself; the government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the nation and sets it forth."

Long live the Union flag and the great nation it represents.

These cyber-nats are bordering on treason.

Hat-Tip -
Scottish Unionist

Monday, 23 February 2009

Mr Bear went to Westminster...

TB is having an excellent day shamelessly abusing his visitors pass, strolling the corridors of power. He had a couple of close run in's with some people who aren't exactly fans of the blog, but managed to get away with hiding behind pillars or a quick dive into his collar. Had to chuckle that Mrs Spellperson has get her own coffee now she's moved out of CCHQ and back to Portcullis House, TB wonders what she would have said if she'd known her favourite bear was in the queue behind her.

The Chris Grayling and Cameron event was apparently excellent this morning, TB didn't crash it, honest. Though not the greatest speaker, Cameron's attack dog proved that he was more than simply David Davis 2.0, giving a competent insight into his brief and his vision for giving oiks a "21st century clip round the ear." There was a wealth of shadow cabinet talent out in force, with Gove lending some helpful advice. The warm embrace that Damian Green gave to Phil Booth the national coordinator of NO2ID before things got going, suggests to TB that those two might have talked about one or two things before. Ran into some young councillors who are unveiling an interesting new project that TB will go into more detail about later.

Lunch with a co-conspirator and various coffees with hacks and old faces has left TB with a plethora of gossip and stories for the next few days... Off now to meet

Shane Greer
, that bloke off the telly.

Oh how there is scandal brewing... watch this space.

Why Gordon should go, in six sides...

TB couldn't put it better himself!

Another Monday morning treat...

Via the twitter feed of

TV's Shane Greer
, TB is most amused at what the BBC chooses to show their waiting guests at the Stage Door reception area at around midnight on an idle Sunday:

Once again the taxpayers money is being put to good use - a subscription to Movies4Men.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Bill Clinton loses his pussy...

Ah the jokes are endless and Tory Bear isn't sure what admitting to reading OK! and

Perez Hilton
's blog in one weekend will do for his image, but via the Hollywood bitch he has learnt the sad news that Socks the White House cat has "
gone to the big basket of warm laundry in the sky
Socks was Chelsea Clinton's adopted moggie and had free reign of the West Wing in the Clinton years. Humphrey the Downing St stray paled in comparison to the notoriety this kitty received. World leaders would make a point of posing for a photo with Socks when they were visiting. TB couldn't help but notice the alarming similarities between these two photographs though:
So farewell then Socks.

New T-Shirt...

Ever pissed off Dolly? Hate LabourList?

Blocked from his Twitter feed? Think Derek is a bit of a twat?

Been unlinked from LabourList or felt the wrath of his tongue?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above then Tory Bear has the t-shirt just for you:

Available for a limited time only, and yours for just a tenner from

Poor Birmingham...

Anything the two main parties do, the Lib Dems are

quick to follow
. After the Tories took over the ICC in Birmingham last autumn, Labour are set to follow this year, followed of course by Nick and the rest of the Johnny come latelys. The ICC is a big place and TB wonders if perhaps the Liberals are being slightly optimistic about being able to get the numbers to fill it.
TB wonders what the Rocket strip-club will do to greet their bearded and sandal-ed yellow punters...

Answers on a postcard.

Back where he belongs...

It has often been said that Derek Draper is stuck in the mindset of a student politician. Well it seems he is embracing this and has waded into the Durham student elections:

The poor candidates, an endorsement from Dolly is enough to put any voter off!

There have been better weeks. A pot of coffee and two bacon sandwiches later:
  • Week Four of Matthew d'Ancona being Labour's Sunday morning headache in the Telegraph.
  • Peter Hitchens wonders why Brown invited the Pope to a country that hates/clearly persecutes Christians in the Mail.
  • Patrick Hennessy catches up with Ken Clarke for the Telegraph
  • John Rentoul asks what a Cameron government will do in the Independent.
  • The Mail has got fantastic extracts from the secret diary of a Labour Minister.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Great slogan...

Like any normal person TB is spending his Saturday evening having a look at student elections in universities hundreds of miles from where he a) lives and b) goes. You have to laugh at this one from though:

TB can't find much about this guys politics but from the look of the people TB know's in the facebook group he must be pretty sound. The fact he is willing to go with that slogan doesn't seem particuarly lefty.

But regardless of politics, with a slogan like that he deserves to win.

Tory totty...

TB was having the standard right wing girls are fitter chat with a member of the Labour Party the other day. It's an argument that has got him into trouble

Give this video about thirty seconds and then try argue that it's not the Tories that have the totty:

TB rests his case.

He's everywhere...

Tory Bear tends to avoid OK! magazine but found himself flicking through it at the airport yesterday. Amongst the pages of washed up eighties singers and footballers wives in all their airbrushed designer glory, he spotted a familiar face:
Unite clearly aren't paying Derek Draper enough to run his little website, as he and his Mrs are selling their souls. She even made the cover, though, looking awkward as an ass, Dolly was saved for the inside...

TB thought he would share the pics with you, to save you having to buy the magazine for good old laugh.

The article was headlined saying it would talk about drinking and smoking etc, strangely Dolly's drinking habits weren't mentioned...


Home sweet bear.

Tory Bear has gone home for the weekend so blogging will be light to non-existant. He'll be in Westminster on Monday though if anyone is around for one of those promised catch ups...

Thursday, 19 February 2009

One step at a time...

Not even a spike through the foot can stop this keen candidate:

1min 20secs into it is well worth watching...

She's got some balls...

So it was a quite night in for the Balls family last night. Poor Yvette must have been wondering why her husband kept popping outside talking to someone in hushed tones on his mobile. Seems it's not just Harriet Harperson who has a ruthlessly ambitious husband pulling the strings. 
Could it be any more obvious where
this briefing
came from?

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Point of order...

My my aren't those young Liberal Democrats a pesky bunch. TB's story earlier got them into a
. We've had statements from candidates and now the
returning officer,
 all asking who this evil Tory Bear is and why is he upsetting the big yellow boat. There has been briefing that would make any spinner blush this evening and TB's inbox has made for the most interesting of reads...
The official line seems to be that there is no problem and that everything is fine. Original. However TB must ask a few questions:
  • If there is no problem, why the hell are senior members of your youth movement briefing, and countless grassroots members complaining - to a tory!?!
  • If there is no problem then why is there a growing campaign for
    ? If there is no problem then nobody would be calling for the Reopen of Nominations.
Oh dear the calamity at the of the top of the Liberal Democrats is trickling down.

Twatter banter.

You can follow
TB on Twitter here

Over to you Gordo..

Anything you feel you should
apologise for
Prime Minister?