Mr Bear went to Westminster...
TB is having an excellent day shamelessly abusing his visitors pass, strolling the corridors of power. He had a couple of close run in's with some people who aren't exactly fans of the blog, but managed to get away with hiding behind pillars or a quick dive into his collar. Had to chuckle that Mrs Spellperson has get her own coffee now she's moved out of CCHQ and back to Portcullis House, TB wonders what she would have said if she'd known her favourite bear was in the queue behind her.
The Chris Grayling and Cameron event was apparently excellent this morning, TB didn't crash it, honest. Though not the greatest speaker, Cameron's attack dog proved that he was more than simply David Davis 2.0, giving a competent insight into his brief and his vision for giving oiks a "21st century clip round the ear." There was a wealth of shadow cabinet talent out in force, with Gove lending some helpful advice. The warm embrace that Damian Green gave to Phil Booth the national coordinator of NO2ID before things got going, suggests to TB that those two might have talked about one or two things before. Ran into some young councillors who are unveiling an interesting new project that TB will go into more detail about later.
Lunch with a co-conspirator and various coffees with hacks and old faces has left TB with a plethora of gossip and stories for the next few days... Off now to meet
Oh how there is scandal brewing... watch this space.