Off with their heads...
Apparently this is an
"offensive symbol"
:"butchers apron..."
Though the nats use it all the time about their beloved Saltire, TB would like to remind you all of what Henry Beecher once said: "A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation's flag, sees not only the flag, but the nation itself; the government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the nation and sets it forth."
Long live the Union flag and the great nation it represents.
These cyber-nats are bordering on treason.
Hat-Tip -
Scottish Unionist
What's wrong with a country flying its national flag? Only the insecure or nutters would object.
my my that was a rapid rebuttal, even for you subrosa...
you seem to have hit the nail on the head.. what is wrong with the uk flyng it's flag... seems those that the oppose- ie the nats must be insecure and/or nutters.
glad we agree that the union flag is the way forward.
I'm pretty sure that 'Butcher's Apron' is a term with its origins amongst Irish republicans.
Which is ironic, given the atrocities committed under their flag of choice.