Six Reasons Not to Vote Clegg
So perhaps the Mail went a little too far on Britain's next Home Secretary,his speech does show an interesting mindset of someone asking to lead a country he is clearly ashamed of though. The Telegraph's sleaze allegations are a lot more valid. The Liberals are whining that it is personal attack, but frankly it pales in comparison to many of the punches laid on both Brown and Cameron in the last three years. If you can't take the heat...
Via an excellent comment from regular Hughes, lets take a look at some of those policy points.
1) Wanting to piss away our seat at the top table in the UN security council by dumping our nuclear deterrent.
2) Wanting to distance us from our strongest ally, America. Which coupled with the former would leave the UK about as globally relevant as Austria.
3) Wanting our business flexibility to be bound by arbitrary, homogenised rules designed for vast swathes of continental Europe, with vastly different economies and workforces.
4) For us to be financially and legally subsumed in a sovereignty destroying, anti-democratic, cronyistic, unaccountable Euro-superstate.
5) Wanting to levy a huge tax on people who, have no more money than they did before, and through no fault of their own find themselves in homes driven into a so-called "mansion" tax-bracket by irresponsible house-buyers, irresponsible lenders and an irresponsible treasury who let the housing market race out of control. People who have already endured huge rate and council tax increases for the same reason.
6) Supporting the switch to an electoral mechanism which make it impossible to not give at least one vote to a party infatuated with the tax & spend, big government, success-punishment idiocy that landed this country in the shit in the first place.
And don't forget all the nutjob whacky stuff their core base demands...

Interesting read, but shouldn't we be concentrating on six reasons to vote for David Cameron?
I'm sure why I shouldn't vote Brown and the above highlights the LibDem frailties. Why should I vote Cameron. (apart from a change?)
I don't get why Nick Clegg saying we have an unreasonable sense of superiority means he's 'ashamed' of this country, whereas the Tories banging on about how 'broken' it is doesn't?!
Funny, that I was searching more info about
I don't like the sound of this Hughes fella at all, he sounds like an idiot!