Tears for Piers
What does a politician, often seen as cold and aloof, do when they are up against the polls? Well let's ask Brown's old Democrat hero Hillary Clinton:
That's right, an overwhelming show of emotion is one of the last cards a desperate politician has to play. TB has no doubt Brown's raw emotion displayed was genuine. The pain of losing someone is there everyday, but his timing must be drawn into question. Brown is an elusive and intensely private person, who's emotions normally only manifest in throwing Nokias and staff members out of their chairs. His team negotiate interviews intensely, hence how furious he was when Marr redeemed his previous Brown-nosing with

So now the PM is getting an hour's "normalisation" period on prime time television next weekend to use for his own electoral advantage, when can we look forward to seeing a close friend interview Cameron for an hour on ITV?

It's not funny TB, it's despicable. A completely pre-planned event in order to reach those who are of a sympathetic nature.
Fortunately I'm a sympathetic cynic.
No doubt whatsoever that Brown's using his children for political gain. This clearly has the equally blubbering Alastair Campbell's dirty Kleenex all over it! I agree with Sb . . . despicable!
I suspect speculation of an early election will again be rife, given the recent re-emergence of Campbell, the performance of Brown when being grilled by Piers Morgan (I dont remember him doing that when the same interviewer questioned him for GQ recently...perhaps video recording equipment is more conducive to the displaying of emotion than a pen/laptop computer) and the continuing inability of Team Cameron to persuade Joe Everyman why they should embrace progressive conservatism rather than simply dislike New Labour.
So he's happy with an hours questioning by the moral vacuum that is Piers Morgan, but not prepared to take questions from a studio audience in any leaders debate?
Cannot wait for the election to punt this fool out of office.
"He has spoken before and even attacked David Cameron for using his children in the political world so the sudden u-turn..."
It is not a
It was deeply cynical. This man will do anything to cling to power.
It was bad enough this week watching him embrace Electoral reform, a shameless Valentine's card to Nick Clegg.
Now he's using the ghost of his daughter for political gain.
I blogged earlier on this very subject.
A blatent case of
Crocodile Piers
I think.
As electoral vengeance approaches and as I've said before, Jimmy has more u-turns than a barrack's ablutions.
surely it just requires a flood of complaints to offcom before the programme is aired on the grounds of effectively being a party political broadcast.
mind you the monkeys who watch piers "morgan" moron's programme are probably dyed in the wool labour trolls anyway so maybe no electoral advantage?
Brown and his monolithic incompetence make me cry every single day.
good points well made. except 'funny that' should be replaced by 'sick that'
As Campbell said, Brown is an intensely private man.
Is it beyond his powers as PM (or even as a human being) to have the part about his daughter REMOVED from this PRE-RECORDED programme ?
Or might there be some electoral advantage being considered here. After all, Campbell himself has lead the way on Marr, and even Pauline Presott was all over the S Telegraph with her emotions at have had to share Prescott's wienie. Starvation rations, it would seem, she has run to the Mail's chequebook for consolation.
After 13 years, we now have ALL of New Labour crying tears ? Methinks the masters of spin, when spun against, "don't like it up 'em" !
Alan Douglas
I don't want to spoil anyone's breakfast, but, in the picture, doesn't it look awfully like Brown is about to kiss Morgan?
Over at Liberal Vision Angela points out the process you have to go through to complain.
For example it is a breach of article 5 on political impartiality but Ofcom can't act on complaints until after the programme has been on air.
However you can complain to ITV.
I did notice that the BBC was airing clips from the interview this morning so Presumably that couls as airing?