Tea Party at the Commons
A date for the diary - Wednesday, 3rd March 2010. It's that time of year again, the YBF Parliamentary Rally. Always a sound occasion. Speakers, including Shadow Cabinet members, will engage directly at this exclusive parliamentary gathering with discussion on issues such as:
- civil liberties, ID cards and the database state
- the European Union and freedom
- foreign policy threats and opportunities
- Gordon Brown’s recession
- the upcoming General Election
It will be a tour de force of current Conservative thinking and plans to change the country. For security reasons, speakers will be announced over the coming weeks on
and at the YBF site
.TB is speaking apparently. Get your ticket
The YBF link has countless viagra links? Which was a little unexpected.
Ha ha ha, I can hear the braying already.
Huh? From the YBF site:
The Young Britons’ Foundation was founded in July 2003 as a non-partisan, not-for-profit educational, research and training organisation.
Surely that's a typo?
I was intrigued by your comment about "for security reasons". You must have a really important speaker planned: Dubya perhaps?
(Or maybe it might mean that you just haven't got anyone yet?)
Not announcing speakers for security reasons? Utter b0lloc*s
It is held in the Commons so is hardly a risk to announce that people will be in what is in fact their office!
What is Gordon Brown's recession anyway? I'm sure he's doing pretty well for himself. You referring to his hairline receding or something?