Liberal Youth Chairman Throws in Towel
TB was hearing stirrings of this last night but couldn't get it confirmed. Good news is that Elaine Bagshaw has resigned as Chairman of Liberal Youth. After months of chaos and resignations it seems this once Labour Student hack has decided to pack it all in.
UPDATE: 13.16:
From: "LiberalYouth Admin"Blah blah blah.
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:06:00 -0000
Subject: A Message From Elaine Bagshaw
Dear all,
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have to inform you that I will stepping down as your Chair, effective immediately.
This is not a position I wanted to be in, but unfortunately recent events have meant that I'm no longer able to give this position the attention it deserves, and to give all of you the Chair that you deserve.
TB hears that it wasn't exactly a happy parting. Rows, tantrums and tears before bedtime. This leaves "Britains Liberal Youth movement" in even more chaos than they were in already. Expecting an epic bunfight.
UPDATE - 13.48: Oh it's good, really good. Watch this space.

I don't understand TB - how do you make any money? surely advertisements on this website aren't enough :D
how will you describe your profession on the 2011 census? :p
Wow, even the resignation message implies the problems lay elsewhere.
Wouldn't be too sure on an ongoing bunfight though, there's probably a good few level headed people who'll be keen to get constructively back involved again as a result.
Why does she name and stain so many people in her letter? Does she want to try and continue some kind of divide after she has gone? It seems totally unnecessary. Surely harmony will now be the order of the day in Liberal Youth.
I pooped myself reading her resignation email, with its lengthy list of people she was thanking - they're the people she thinks have always been on her side, right up to the end in the bunker.
What she doesn't know is that two of the people she named helped draft the ultimatum letter against her. :)
Yeah, the resignation letter was a good one, especially the bit where she says she's had lots of "ups and downs" with one particular member of the exec.
You can say that again ;)
'What she doesn't know is that two of the people she named helped draft the ultimatum letter against her.'
Who says she doesn't know it? Helping draft something that has gone too far to stop is no sin.
good luck hoping for the bunfight, Tory Mouthpiece. There is one obvious choice for Chair.
But Tory Bear, doesn't this mean her next port of call will be the TORY PARTY ?
EEk !!
Let us be honest.
She belongs in the Labour Party.
They may take her back.
They are desperate.