The Bagshaw Coup

"Elaine's explanation that she's resigning because she's 'no longer able to give this position the attention it deserves' is complete bullshit: it's the latest lie from a compulsive liar. Elaine was forced to resign because the Liberal Youth exec finally had the guts to stand up to her, and organised a coup. Seven committee members signed a letter of no confidence over the weekend giving her three days to resign immediately. She knew that her time was up, and we could do this the easy way, or the hard way."It seems that her main reason for resigning was hilariously to attempt to salvage something of her reputation for her future political career. She sobbed to Cowley Street to try get the coup stamped out but they cut her loose.
"I mean, how can you overturn being no-confidenced by over half your own exec? What was she thinking? We won't be sorry to see the back of this bruiser and her bullying ways. Though now that she's got more time on her hands, Christ help us if she ever tries to stand for parliament. As a Lib Dem, anyway."TB has been
the Liberal Youthers about Bagshaw since March last year. Hate to say he told you so...
Ding dong, the Witch is dead!
I thought she might go for the third times a charm and join CF. Its the only logical step for her as She has worked her way through all of labour and Liberal Youth (allegedly).
You know, it says a lot about the Lib Dems that I didn't even recognise on first looking that it was Nick Clegg in the photograph with her.
All that effort and viciousness in that party for no public recognition. They must (or ought to) wonder why they even bother!
Ah, the Bolshevik Entryist has finally realised the LDs are a total irrelevance and therefore a poor target for her skullduggery.
She now has two options:
Option 1: Do the Entryist thing properly and join the Conservatives.
Option 2: Realise her cover is blown and be an Out-Labourite again.
The second option is probably a better idea for her. >Bear< in mind that in recent days Labour has yet again been shown to have a bitter & twisted shambles at it's heart.
This is obviously fertile territory for Bagshaw; who is nothing if not a bitter & twisted shambles.
Do it Elaine, you know it makes sense.
Almost every single Chair of Liberal Youth or its predecessors has been no-conned, and some more than once.
It didn't do them any harm and it won't do Elaine any harm.
And let's face it... It is still the best campaign team in the country - and that is why it is a stressful job.
a) your first post was hardly news (see press release, copy press release, publish press release).
b) '...but they cut her loose.' Hardly true.
c) I assume the 'important figure' is the same 'figure' who you had last time... A serial leaker, and not an especially nice individual. She is the bruiser.
Who's your source, Bear?
If the comment at 14.46 today was left by "PP" - You'd better watch his back - after all you've got no God to pray to have you?
beat the press release 15.03 -see twitter.
What, and vote Scarlett? i'd rather shove wasps up my arse.
Anonymous 15:03, what on earth are you talking about? I can't think of a single chair who had a motion of no confidence brought against them for years, unless Mark Gettleson was, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't.
I didn't have one brought against me, Chris Lomax didn't, Brian Robson didn't, Ali G didn't I don't think, Miranda P did two terms happily enough, and so on.
There will always be someone talking about no conning the chair, but for a motion to be brought is exceptional. For a majority of the exec then to call on you to go seems unprecedented.
As unprecedented as the number of resignations under Elaine too. How many was it in the end?
"What, and vote Scarlett? i'd rather shove wasps up my arse.
11 January 2010 15:24"
And I would rather shove wasps up your arse than have anything to do with Liberal Youth again. Perfectly comfortable where I am thank you Anon. xx
I think the total number of resignations was somewhere between 25 and 30.
I heard that the number of resingations during Elaine's Tenure as LY Dic... Chair was around 30 in total.
Well that's a more provable all time record than the ones cited in the resignation letter then certainly.
Gez, you should have been. Ali G was three times. Mark I think was or managed to avoid it with a last minute jump. And I know plenty more who were over time.
Elaine's first no-con was not what I was referring to. That was flawed and wrong and rightly lost.
The second one (I was referring to this majority of exec of course) was successful.
The first lot of resignations in Elaine's first year were good riddance and Liberal Youth was completely turned around by Elaine into what it is today: Really rather effective. And it still will be.
This later lot was evidence of some underlying problems. A shame for all but a death knell for nobody.
PS I stand corrected TB - You beat the press release, well done.
"Gez, you should have been."
Aw, bless you. I'm happy to be judged on the enemies I've gained.
"Ali G was three times."
With only two conferences where that could have happened in the year she was chair. Impressive stuff.
"Mark I think was or managed to avoid it with a last minute jump."
Or 'coming to the end of his term' as it's more commonly called.
"And I know plenty more who were over time."
Who you naturally choose not to cite, lest it back up your case. You're not actually talking about no cons here are you, just people trying to get rid of people. Or 'youth politics' as it's more commonly called.
"Elaine's first no-con was not what I was referring to. That was flawed and wrong and rightly lost."
Seems like it might have been timely judging by the stories coming out of the organisation over the last year. Even Elaine's resignation letter refers to her having 'screaming rows' with people, hardly a mark of professionalism.
"The second one (I was referring to this majority of exec of course) was successful."
Well, technically it wasn't was it, as she resigned before it was passed.
"The first lot of resignations in Elaine's first year were good riddance and Liberal Youth was completely turned around by Elaine into what it is today: Really rather effective. And it still will be."
Lol. Attendance at the last conference was in the 20's wasn't it?
Elaine has tried to rewrite history to an impressive degree. A very great many know the truth to be very different. A lot of it's out on the web from before anyway. Now she's gone, it might be timely to stop trying to pretend that Vietnam was only lost because of the actions of left wingers. Especially in the context.
Informed Lib Dem [sic] said...
If the comment at 14.46 today was left by "PP" - You'd better watch his back - after all you've got no God to pray to have you?
Had I posted the comment I would have submitted it under my own name, as it is so clearly similar to my facebook status. Instead some one has plagiarised part of my status - my full status reads:
‘Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead. Which old witch? The Wicked Witch!’
Anonymous at 16:21, your version of history is very different to my own. In fact you seem to be rewriting history. It’s time to put this issue to bed however and for Liberal Youth to move on and to bigger and better things. It’s the least it and everyone involved deserves.
Viva la Liberal Youth.
"giving her three days to resign immediately"
Slightly 'Colemanballs' there.
Informed Lib Dem said...
If the comment at 14.46 today was left by "PP" - You'd better watch his back - after all you've got no God to pray to have you?
Had I posted the comment I would have submitted it under my own name, as it is so similar to my current facebook status. Instead some one has repeated part of it - my full status reads:
‘Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead. Which old witch? The Wicked Witch!’
Anonymous at 16:21, your version of history is very different to mine. In fact you seem to be rewriting it. It is time to put this issue to bed however and for Liberal Youth to move on and to bigger and better things. It’s the least it and everyone involved deserves.
Viva la Liberal Youth.
Fourth time of posting lucky.
Informed Lib Dem said...
If the comment at 14.46 today was left by "PP" - You'd better watch his back - after all you've got no God to pray to have you?
Had I posted the comment I would have submitted it under my own name, as it is so similar to my current facebook status. Instead someone has repeated part of it - my full status reads:
‘Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead. Which old witch? The Wicked Witch!’
Anonymous at 16:21, your version of history is very different to mine. In fact you seem to be rewriting it. It is time to put this issue to bed however and for Liberal Youth to move on and to bigger and better things. It’s the least it and everyone involved deserves.
Viva la Liberal Youth.
Oh, and the latest resignation makes this gem from March deliciously apt:
look at that f***ing love connection
Anon@16:21: "Ali G was (no-conned) three times."
Gez Smith@17:19: "With only two conferences where that could have happened in the year she was chair. Impressive stuff."
Since ex-chair Alison Goldsworthy is one of the few people to get a mention in Bagshaw's resignation letter as one of her inner circle, that's not great! TB, if you think Bagshaw's like Vicky Pollard, you haven't been round long enough to remember Ali G's time in office!
Anon 07:29 - Now now, Elaine hardly saw LY tear itself apart: There really can be no doubt that it is much improved and fighting fit (actually campaigning, actually protesting, actually delivering for young people across the UK) - even if Elaine has been removed, the rest of the exec are absolutely fantastic.
Can't wait 'til TB tries to go after them...
Why is it I always have to come to TB to get the truth behind Bagshaw's emails?
Depressing as it is to have to come to a Tory site, thanks for helping this slightly more casual LY member understand what is actually going on.
Anyone from the LD blogosphere care to step up?
James Shaddock has just resigned as VC Communications.
I doubt anyone will - you see, Elaine is still liked, and is still popular.
She is a good person, who made some bad judgements and was removed by her exec. as a result.
I note that she has slung no mud back, and credit to her. And her exec. have slung not mud forwards either.
Anon@13:32:"I note that she has slung no mud back, and credit to her."
Ha! There is no way anon@15:03 yesterday is NOT Elaine slinging mud back. And ask yourself why Elaine's not come to the defence of her reputation, either - she's sitting quiet because she's scared of some of the other things which we could still bring up about this resignation.
Anon@11:10:"There really can be no doubt that it is much improved and fighting fit (actually campaigning, actually protesting, actually delivering for young people across the UK)"
Dunno what that means.
"actually campaigning" - the old LDYS did loads of campaigning on issues like drugs and fees. They were just ignored. Now LY does loads of campaigning. And are just ignored.
"actually protesting" = the old LDYS had the same 10 people turn up at every demo. LY, er, does the same.
"actually delivering for young people across the UK" - fancy words, but a total lie. What has LY ever delivered? Name one thing it has done nationally that's made students lives better. Just one. Yeah, you can talk about leaflet delivering and going to demos, but name some RESULTS.
Hell, you can't even deliver your own party leader on fees! (Nice work by Vince there, getting the party to agree that 6 more years of fees sounds like "scrapping fees")
LY is useless, and lets itself get pushed around. And Bagshaw's ambition was only one of its problems.
Ok Whispers:
Actually campaigning: And certainly not ignored, with record membership and record inluence in the party.
Actually protesting: On the last climate change march there were loads in Glasgow and at least 30 in London (and way more Lib Dems). We dwarfed the Cons, Labs, and Greens.
Actually delivering: With more councillors, proper motions passed at national conference, and real inluence on the national stage...
By the way - scrapping after 6 years is a realistic aim. It isn't our fault Labour screwed the economy so.
Anon@23:32:"Actually delivering: With more councillors, proper motions passed at national conference, and real inluence on the national stage..."
Yup, that's exactly the kind of empty boast about 'delivering' I mean. You're using the language of 'delivering', but that has nothing to do with 'delivering'.
Okay, so you got more MPs and councillors elected. Okay, so you've passed some motions. Okay, so you've put out some press releases. No-one denys any of that.
That's what I'm getting at. You Lib Dems need to get some proportion. What has LY actually done that's changed ordinary peoples' lives for the better? Everything you're saying is about process, and how much you've put in to the political process. There's nothing about outcome.
LY doesn't do casework. It doesn't make anyone's life better. It just swans around feeling important. You kiddies really need to drop the titles. Sheesh, Presidents and Vice-Presidents of real-life organisations don't resign every 5 minutes. Sometimes I think you guys just take office so you can get the badge on your CV, then resign.
Gez, I think that you were a wonderful chair and are an even finer human being.
warm regards,
Simon Radford :)