
that Mandy is desperately scrambling for a way to maintain power when the HMS New Labour finally sinks. Ruling out a defection or a job in Europe, Fraser suggests that Mandy has his eye on Boris's job.TB doesn't agree with that Boris won't seek a second term. If he really does want to be PM, and TB is sure he does, he has to be seen as a fighter and to turn his back on another four years in power would shatter any reputation he has built for a future leadership bid. The Olympics will also be just after the next London elections so why after four years of preparation would Boris not want to be there to run the games?
So a Mandy vs. Boris fight could be on the cards. There has been much speculation about who Labour will put up to fight Boris, and it wasn't long ago that comment pages were talking about Alan Sugar in very much the same way. Mandy is poison and commands little respect outside of the village, it wouldn't be hard to run a Mandy style hatchet job on him. TB is inclined to say bring it on...

It's a nice idea, but what would he do in the intervening period to keep himself known?
After all, Boris was an MP, as were Ken and Frank Dobson. That existing profile helped them get legitimacy as candidates.
There's not going to be much an ex-Labour minister (especially one of his seniority) could credibly do.
He probably expects to be appointed to the job. He's long since left behind grubby inconveniences like having to be elected by the proles!
Maybe Boris wants out before the Olympics because he knows that it's going to be a mess?