Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Ed Miliband Owned by Paxman

The wunderkid Ed Miliband just got a vintage Paxman creaming

on Newsnight
. Imagine Blinky Balls crossed with the guy out of the South Park film. He kept saying "If you'd just let me finish, if you'd just let me finish.. errr let's not turn this into one of those interviews, can I finish?"

Eventually Paxman lost it and in exasperation said "yes yes I'm trying to let you finish, I want you to finish."

Popcorn worthy.

UPDATE 00.01: As
Alex Massie
pointed out to TB, the similarities to this are uncanny:

"This is like watching Bambi's mother be punched by John Leslie..."



That last one is a corker!

Jonah Watch said...

BBC News 24 are just laughing at mili
esp when he says "of course he would like the Sun's support"!
Midnight bulletin

Silent Hunter

That last picture of Milliband is priceless.

Kinda sums up New Labour in a single expression.


Always struck me as a gurning simpering yes-man anyway.

Was amazed at the gossip about Ed Miliband being positioned for the top-job in a post-Brown era. Other than maybe the Lord of Darkness saw him as a puppet Leader.

Perhaps a precursor to any kind of ministerial career should be a thorough examination by Paxman?!

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