This Could Be Interesting

their new leader. Their desired strategy of attempting to do this as quietly as possible has been remarkably successful. TB is the wrong side of a port and cheese board so he can't be bothered to find the exact figures, it is however worth remembering that UKIP cost the Tories countless seats at the last election. He is wondering what the impact of the new leadership will be.Lord Pearson is sound. Outflanking potential in Tory heartlands could be massive...

In some seats UKIP do shady deals with Tory candidates not to oppose them. So, in the light of Devious Dave's welching on the Referendum pledge, that's even more votes for the BNP as the only remaining party with the balls to stand up to that cabal of continental crooks.
Hmmmm.....he looks familiar...
All Cameron needs to do is commit to a referendum within a set time frame of the next parliament - should he become leader.
UKIP would fold, grass roots would be happy and Cameron would be seen as the leader of truth and honour in relation to Labour who - well - aren't.
He defends this stance by saying it is democratic (which it is) and he does not advocate withdrawal.
But he won't. Just like Blair and Brown he is happy with ruling his roost and to hell with everyone else.
The ONLY reason I'd vote for DC is to get rid of Labour. If enough polls were showing UKIP could even get near I would vote and campaign for them.
Not a chance TB. They'll be a fart in a windstorm come election time.
I hereby predict the numbers of UKIP MPs will be 0.
The number of Tory seats lost (or to be more accurate not won), because of UKIP voting in constituencies....0.
They make a lot of noise and they do well at Euro election time because that's the issue people are voting on on that day. Look at the priorities in voters minds when it comes to a GE. Europe? Ranks about 15th.
Cue large amounts of spittle-flecked abuse from tin-pot generals sitting comfortable somewhere Dorking...yada yada yada.
Zzzzz, heard it all before. UKIP as a force at the GE?
Rien. Nada. Zilcho.
He looks remarkably like Sven.
By which you mean a proponent of rampant Islamophbia, TB?
Stepney, what you are missing in your analysis is the fact that most attention has been paid to what Malcolm Pearson has said about militant islam and immigration.... now that is high up the list. UKIP is not just about the EU.
I'm sure Tory Bear himself would be delighted to see Dave pick up and copy a lot of UKIP policy, it is policy that Conservatives used to have when they were Conservative.