Labour To Bother Fighting Election

Labour HQ went into
recruitment overdrive
last night. The timing of these job adverts makes TB think a March election hasn't been entirely ruled out. TB hears that the money for these jobs has been specifically ring-fenced by donors to spent solely on the election. Labour are still in millions of pounds of debt though.It will take a very brave rat to join a sinking ship.

Hmm, Interesting, wonder why March though? 12 weeks or so to a possible General election, I cant see it coz no way Brown will have turned round his fortunes by then.
Better get your wee bear groomed up just in case eh? :)
Peanuts attract monkeys.
£30K in London?
Also, it's a bit late to be recruiting regional organisers. If there's no regional organisation at this stage, there won't be much in Spring 2010.
Needs to be familiar with Labour campaigning techniques ? There is one eminently suitable candidate.
Step forward, Damien McBride, your country (spelled P A R T Y) needs you !
Alan Douglas
Has to be February or March to avoid the need for a budget. Dept of Health already budgeting for £15b cuts over next three years. He must keep Labour clean from that kind of headline if they are to have any chance of attacking Cameron in 2010 -14.
Agree with anon above its all about the budget. The March rumour has legs staff (non-political) are taking it seriously...
As the Tories are (fairly) openly working towards an end March date, it's fairly non-surprising non? Would have thought you'd have known that.