The End of Hermione H-C
It is with great sadness that TB has to announce that this will be Hermione's last posting from the heart of darkness. The powers that be eh...

Anyway, last weekend all of us in the anti-federalist camp were rather deflated by reports that suggested Klaus would be signing the Lisbon Treaty within a fortnight or so. It all seemed so bleakly final. Little wonder, then, that any rumours that it was not so (and there were many) were flying around throughout the corridors and lifts like something out of Harry Potter. Could Cameron really be in extended talks with those in Prague Palace? Could that shiny red retro phone sitting on Hannan's desk really be a hotline to the man himself? Could the 'train that has gone too far' really be stopped and put into reverse? Time only will tell. Call me the eternal optimist, but I'm holding on to the betting slip I bought in Dan's latest sweepstake (honestly, that boy should have been a bookie), that says he'll not ratify before the election... That may well prove be two euros badly spent, mind...
Events in the Hemicycle are always talked up as being utterly gripping when the reality is often somewhat different (albeit that the voting is astonishing in it's sheer pace pace). But this week those flowery epithets were well deserved when the left tried to force through a declaration denouncing the Italian Press as corrupt. As it happened, I dined on Wednesday night at a charming Indian restaurant with a few Italian friends who were understandably livid. We had to cool them down by feeding them raita (which they'd never heard of. Apparently they don't really 'do' Indian food in Italy). I sadly missed the event itself but it seems to have been nail biting stuff. First came the detailed votes which the left kept winning, often by a majority of only 10 – 20 or so. By the time they drew to an end those on the left were unable to contain their glee, verily bouncing around in their seats, clapping and cheering. How uncouth. However, the groups had gone for, as one chap later put it to me, 'nuclear options' – all or nothing votes. Five lefty liberal groups = five more votes. Not everyone in the Hemicycle appeared to know this; some on the right disappeared at that point thinking the voting over. Nonetheless, curiously, one by one these nuclear options were defeated, albeit with slim majorities. One, two, three, four, all fell by ever decreasing majorities, until only the ALDE challenge remained. Ukip accidentally abstained. Others had not voted. The count came in. 338 / 338 – the motion fell, the 'No's had it, and the right was victorious. Later that evening, I introduced the Italians to the delights of Indian food, and we celebrated with poppadums and beer.
Sadly, as I draw to the end of this blog post, I must step out from behind the laptop, shake off the mantle of Hermione, and speak as myself. This week has been rather dramatic for many reasons – Lisbon, Italians... and on a more personal note, this blog. It has come to my attention that friends of mine have been warned to distance themselves from me for fear of 'being tainted'. I am always happy to take full responsibility for my own actions, but I draw the line at asking others to shoulder a burden of responsibility that is not their own.
When I first came to Brussels I knew almost nothing about the European Institutions. I had a vague notion that a Parliament existed, but I couldn't tell you how many MEPs represented the South East (my region), let alone name any of them. To me, Europe was 'that issue that the Tories used to argue over, but has been largelyresolved by now'. So, although this blog, when pitched to me, was intended as a sort of 'gossip from the front line' of the European Parliament, I have in fact been attempting to use it to make the European Parliament just that little bit more accessible. By bringing a bit of light banter to proceedings, I'd hoped to turn names and pictures on a website into personalities, with all their quirks and foibles. Unfortunately, that is not the spirit in which some people in the Parliament have read this blog, and so for that reason, and with great regret, I must draw it to a close. But I have enjoyed writing it, and so I shall return to my hitherto rather neglected own blog (I do hope Tory Bear won't grudge me a quick mention!)
, and do hope you'll take a look every now and then. Just not in the next few days – I'm going to be in Israel.A bientôt! (Did you hear that accent? My dishy tutor Phillippe would be so proud!)

"Stop being unhelpful or your friends get it". Tres socialiste, tres UE. We will miss you "Hermione".
I enjoyed these offerings, but understand the difficulties. As a contractor inside Britain's biggest Quango I too would love to report from behind the lines and not always in a way that would confirm the prejudices from the outside world of the work done here, but alas there is no support for that kind of outward expression.
It's a shame that we can't hear more of these stories as they give real insight. I'm reminded of a journal of a working man written in the 1800s. It would have been thoroughly mundane if published then, but from our perspective today it was fascinating to see how people lived back then. It's those kinds of stories that fascinate me and it's a shame we won't hear more from you in this series.
Best of luck with the future nonetheless and just because you might not write regularly here I do hope TB will allow you to drop in from time to time.
Never quite got to grips with Hermione as this is only the second time I've read anything of yours Donna (god I don't know who I'm commenting to now)via TB's blog.
Being an EU philistine (but catching up, BIG style) i'm eager for any knowledge that I can filch from other bloggers, no matter their political persuation nor the style in which they write, (I'm an ex labourite who has been shafted every which way but loose.)
I do sincerely hope this is not the last time I hear of Hermione in the future, wherever she may turn up.
Piece, love and respect.
And so farewell, Donna aka Hermione! I did enjoy reading your postings and was wondering who you were in "real life"! A bientot!
Thanks guys!
In fairness I should point out that the vast majority of MEPs (as far as I can tell - obviously I didn't talk to most of them directly about it) had no problem with these postings and read them in the manner they were intended - as bit of lighthearted fun. In fact, I only got one direct complaint from an MEP.
Oddly, it was the assistants and group staff that seemed least comfortable with the concept. I have absolutely no idea why that should be, but obviously both I, and more importantly my friends have to work here, so I thought it best not to provoke bad feeling.
However, in light of all these calls for ever more transparent politics, I agree with you Mike - it is indeed a shame that the internet can't be used to foster greater understanding of our various establishments, even - or perhaps *especially* in this rather informal manner. Perhaps we're just ahead of our time, Mike!
Anyway, as I say, I'll try and get more on my personal blog for anyone who is interested in what goes on in the EP.
Hermione has done her bit. Thank you for demystifying the EU. I am looking forward to reading more on your personal blog, Donna.
Keep it up.