Another One Bites the Dust
It seems to be a recurring theme of the week, over promoted Labour drones being given a bloody good kicking on television. First it was Miliband Jnr and last night Ben Bradshaw took a thumping from not only Dimbleby and Starkey on the panel, but from the audience as well. Just a little fact check Ben, you probably should have got one of your minions to show you
this poll
before you quoted Wednesday's figures as proof the Sun had no effect:
Would be funny if these idiots weren't actually in charge.

Classic quote from Starkey last night: "The French, of course, take culture seriously, here we've got Ben."
I watched BB on QT: he was so ignorant. Especially funny was when the camera was on someone else, but you could see him preening away in the background.
The opinion poll trend looks good - the blues should be over 45% after the conference!
This is surely the moment in history when the Nulab "project" expires, never to return - a complete brown-out.