Won't Someone Think of the Children!
If you ever want to see true evil face of this Labour government then watch this video. These innocent children have been indoctrinated and told they are going to die forthwith and without explanation. If there was ever a one minute video summing up everything wrong with a government run national curriculum this must be it:
Laugh now but one day they will be in charge.

I spent a year as a trainee teacher. As I have a biology degree, I was expected to teach all the sciences up to GCSE level (regardless of the fact that my physics knowledge is awful, but that's by the by).
I didn't go on to teach because the curiculum was so bad, I felt I couldn't make a decent job of teaching kids science within it's contraints. There was absolutely no attempt made to teach them to examine evidence and draw their own conclusions - my A level group didn't even know what scientists did, and when I handed out some scientific papers to show them, I was told not to bother next time as the level was too high for them to grasp.
Everything about science at school is designed to scare kids into believeing what the government wants them to believe, and to turn them off science for life.
I spent a year as a trainee teacher. As I have a biology degree, I was expected to teach all the sciences up to GCSE level (regardless of the fact that my physics knowledge is awful, but that's by the by).
I didn't go on to teach because the curiculum was so bad, I felt I couldn't make a decent job of teaching kids science within it's contraints. There was absolutely no attempt made to teach them to examine evidence and draw their own conclusions - my A level group didn't even know what scientists did, and when I handed out some scientific papers to show them, I was told not to bother next time as the level was too high for them to grasp.
Everything about science at school is designed to scare kids into believeing what the government wants them to believe, and to turn them off science for life.
How to create the ultimate straw man: Get a load of kids to represent their understanding of man-made climate change.
Pathetic, US style, charicatured debate, with no real discourse at all.