tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2787283052819380346.post6467129632339352726..comments2009-09-06T15:34:51.385+01:00Comments on Tory Bear - right-wing political gossip: Won't Someone Think of the Children!Harry Colehttps://www.blogger.com/profile/05099597763862011749noreply@blogger.comBlogger3125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2787283052819380346.post-28954146499351334552009-09-06T08:42:37.969+01:002009-09-06T08:42:37.969+01:00How to create the ultimate straw man: Get a load o...How to create the ultimate straw man: Get a load of kids to represent their understanding of man-made climate change.<br /><br />Pathetic, US style, charicatured debate, with no real discourse at all.Anonymousnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2787283052819380346.post-38097742729094031942009-09-04T15:45:56.677+01:002009-09-04T15:45:56.677+01:00I spent a year as a trainee teacher. As I have a b...I spent a year as a trainee teacher. As I have a biology degree, I was expected to teach all the sciences up to GCSE level (regardless of the fact that my physics knowledge is awful, but that's by the by). <br /><br />I didn't go on to teach because the curiculum was so bad, I felt I couldn't make a decent job of teaching kids science within it's contraints. There was absolutely no attempt made to teach them to examine evidence and draw their own conclusions - my A level group didn't even know what scientists did, and when I handed out some scientific papers to show them, I was told not to bother next time as the level was too high for them to grasp.<br /><br />Everything about science at school is designed to scare kids into believeing what the government wants them to believe, and to turn them off science for life.Undercover Princesshttps://www.blogger.com/profile/05577466322132567031noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-2787283052819380346.post-4264225572523870952009-09-04T15:24:06.027+01:002009-09-04T15:24:06.027+01:00I spent a year as a trainee teacher. As I have a b...I spent a year as a trainee teacher. As I have a biology degree, I was expected to teach all the sciences up to GCSE level (regardless of the fact that my physics knowledge is awful, but that's by the by). <br /><br />I didn't go on to teach because the curiculum was so bad, I felt I couldn't make a decent job of teaching kids science within it's contraints. There was absolutely no attempt made to teach them to examine evidence and draw their own conclusions - my A level group didn't even know what scientists did, and when I handed out some scientific papers to show them, I was told not to bother next time as the level was too high for them to grasp.<br /><br />Everything about science at school is designed to scare kids into believeing what the government wants them to believe, and to turn them off science for life.Undercover Princesshttps://www.blogger.com/profile/05577466322132567031noreply@blogger.com