She's No Jackie O

"Hm. Since when was it a good thing that unelected people got to wield power in government? I thought we were all supposed to hate Peter Mandelson, Labour supporters included, for precisely that reason. Did I miss a memo, or is it just because Mandelson doesn’t look like he’d chat to you in the greengrocers (does he need real food anyway?)?
But all that is nothing to the emetic we’re presented with the following weekend, Friday 25th:
Can Sarah Brown rescue Labour?
Say what?
She has transformed from a near-silent political wife to arguably the most admired and powerful woman in Britain…
Bu- Fn- Wh- What in the name of gibbering incomprehension are you talking about? “Arguably”? Ya think? Sarah Beeny has more traction, never mind Lily Allen (of whom more anon). Seriously, I am a wizened political punter and I know absolutely nothing about this woman that wouldn’t fit comfortably on a postage stamp and be about as interesting. Have I just been deposited here from a parallel dimension? More to the point, has the Observer?
How did she do it? And can her extraordinary reinvention help save the Labour party?
Yes, they have definitely, definitely lost it"
Ms Mortimer has been somewhat quiet in recent months but she's on cracking form with
Who is Sarah Brown, and what does she want?

Reminds me most of "Norma Major is our secret weapon!", no offence to Norma, but I suspect this will be about as successful for Gordon as her presence was for John.
Ooh ta :-)