Gordon's Farewell Speech
So TB has fled the scene of Gordon's desperate attempt to sound exciting and new. Seems a lot of hacks have had the same idea and have packed out the London train. The speech started well enough, it was a powerful eulogy for New Labour, but very quickly Brown crumbled and slipped back into lies, washed out old ideas, stolen policy and weak attacks on the Conservatives.
It seems Brown has, in his delusional state of mind, dreamt up an image of a Conservative Party he would like to be fighting rather than the one he actually faces. By the end of it he was fluffing his soundbites (probably on account of only being given the speech to read through after draft after draft this morning.) The wording of the ending had the potential to be quiet rousing, but in reality its delivery fell flat.
The speech will no doubt be remembered for the only real new idea in it - Gulags for Slags. Social engineering in the extreme by locking up single mothers in to state funded borstals. A sad day for personal responsibility.
The AV+ stuff and House of Lords announcements are hardly new. It's fine for Gordon to go at the constitution with an word axe, knowing full well he will be out of power before he promised to implement them. As for the ID card "announcement"? Well Alan Johnson announced this months ago and it not a mention of the database, the truly terrifying prospect. Guess that's staying then.
That's the only real relieve about today, whatever Gordon said was meaningless, he could promise the earth, and almost did. None of this ideas will see the light of day though.
Bring on Manchester, bring on DC, let's show the Lib Dems and Labour how a conference is done properly.

Gulags for slags - I like it. But he has just stolen an idea from another era, they used to be called the Workhouse.
The "Gulags for Slags" isn't so much from another era as another party - the BNP. Of all the parties to be the target of political kleptomania I think that one should be off the thievery list.
of course if in 1995, Peter Lilley or John Redwood had come up with the "slut hut" as a policy, the left wing would have marched on London!
My take here,
Will you be taking on Fraser Nelson for the Ejaculation Grand National for The Peoples Millionaire speech?
First to go through three boxes of tissues is the winner.
"Bring on Manchester, bring on DC, let's show the Lib Dems and Labour how a conference is done properly."
...and please God, let it be a good one. The last thing we need now is a lacklustre conference and leader's speech.