Reservoir Dorks

TB was also whispered some highly amusing details of how Elaine kept her minions under thumb. The executive were given a whole host of rules, which she had apparently written down, telling them how they may or may not use Twitter and Facebook. She also banned the executive from using cameras during the "LY School Disco" (shudder) on Tuesday night. TB isn't exactly surprised by the last one, do you remember the last Liberal Youth kodak moment?
To put it mildly, the Liberal Youth membership aren't happy, though it is clear a bit of stick has been put about - normally lucid sources are being distinctly guarded since they got back. Something has happened and TB is curious. Either way Bagshaw is attempting to spin the trip to the seaside as a big success, when anyone outside of the bubble can clearly see Bournemouth '09 was a massive disaster for the Liberal Democrats in general. It's not as if they set the bar for LY success very high though is it:

twitter feed
is spouting the success of LY media appearances, but TB will save his analysis of that for another day. Especially the blatant hypocritical opportunism of one in particular...Eh
"Liberal Youth Conference 2009 can be defined by two words: Liberal Youth"
Please tell me you photoshopped that. That's dreadful.
I know it's shockingly poor.
Given TB's description of Ms Bagshaw's socialist leaning a better slogan might have been...
Liberal Youth Conference 2009 can be defined by two words: Conference 2009
Although technically one is a number.
Another poor attempt at s**t stirring TB. Everyone at conference thought they were the best organised and most effective they had been in many, many years. You're clearly losing your touch TB. This is barely passable as a smear!
ha which is why members feel their only output is to complain to a tory. yeah ok.
There was no smear here. Just reporting opinions.
Congratulations on live changing mosquito ammendments, getting humiliated by your leader ditching the only policy that you all care about and having your chairman reveal her true colours as an illiberal fool.
*life changing even
Liberal Youth if they wern't serious it just wouldn't be funny!