Disinfecting Parliament
Sunlight Centre
's Juliet Samuel launched "Disinfecting Parliament" - a report about reforming MPs expenses on Monday. She writes in The Tel
But is Sir Christopher really the knight in shining armour that shame-faced MPs await? Can he possibly deliver on the grandiose aim of restoring trust in public office, in MPsin democracy, no less!
Unfortunately, there are reasons to think he wont.
Disinfecting Parliament is a shadow of the Kelly report that is expected out within the next month. With an introduction by
Douglas Carswell MP
, it sets out some simple yet radical reforms of the Commons that will end abuses of MPs expenses forever.As TB well knows after many a proofing, it's definitely worth a
I don't know about 'disinfecting' Parliament, but I'm pretty sure that the 'investigation and report' into MP's expenses will be just another Labour WHITEWASH.
Just like every other Government inquiry has been.
yes that's the point mate.
the sunlight report shadows the official one and is very radical - a benchmark to compare the establishment suggestions to.
have a read, it's far from a whitewash - rather a deep clean.