Caption Contest:
Gordon seems to have
woken up
to the need for cuts finally. Unlike Mandy it seems he might be actually able to say the word. TB has obtained this exclusive image of him practicising for his big speech to the TUC later today:

Gordon seems to have
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No, I didn't need some that big, really and it didn't hurt that much. Oh, and I'm no longer a 'dickhead'!
And if i just put Tony's head here....
Don't cut my dosage of anti-depressants!
give me cheese or give me death!
Where is Alistair Darling. I need a word...
big pens were one thing but really? When you need office equipment that big it's time to go ol' boy.
"Gordon had always viewed himself as the Father of the Nation. And now he's had enough. Cuts were going to have to be made."
Get back, I'm going to do it.
The giant scissors are not my fault, they started in America.
"I'm making the most of this while I can. They're coming to take me away to a place where I shan't be allowed anything sharp…"
I said that there is no "N" in cut.
"I made up some lies in time gone by... now I'm u-turning..."
To the tune of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables.
"I've had the snip, and can honestly say there's nothing to fear. Now a lobotomy on the other hand..."
"Peter gave them to me, but he didn't say what for."
If he carries on running around with those scissors held like that, he'll have the other eye out in no time.
Honest Harriet - I will only trim your fringe
How Gordon got that chip on his shoulder.
All hail, Emperor Scissor! Now wheres Cleopatra Harman?
Caption: Gordon's giving free hair constraints.
"British jobs, for British workers. Circumcision for all."
'Go on Gordon... do it! You can't say anything stupid without a tongue!' whispered Mandelson softly into his ear.
Volunteers needed to trial cost-cutting NHS vasectomies
I now declare this new branch of Tesco open.
Gordon! Don't run with scissors. You could have somebodies eye out.
"scissor? I have 0% of a pair here! Honest gov'ner"