So farewell then Gossip Girl...
Over the last few months various universities across the country have seen blogs emerge that are inspired by the hit US tv show "Gossip Girl". Brilliantly scathing and sarcastic, these blogs give an insiders look on the lives of trust fund kiddies while at university.

GG Edinburgh Edition sadly had the MSM go to town on her this weekend, and although this
in Scotland on Sunday was arguably pretty damn funny, apparently the Daily Mail were up for stirring things up.The piece describes the "tell-all website has proved so popular it has had 12,000 hits in its first three months, and now receives more than 600 new visitors every week.
According to the blog, Edinburgh students' lifestyles include:• Renting Georgian property in the city's New Town, where a flat in Dublin Street costs around £4,500 per person, the equivalent of a year's allowance of a student loan;
• Mid-term skiing holidays in the exclusive Swiss resort of Verbier, which costs around £3,000 for a week;
• Parties at the Royal Scots Club, renting out the place for a champagne reception and venison dinner for 120 people;
• All-day brunches fuelled by dozens of bottles of Moët & Chandon champagne at £30 each;
• Three nights a week partying in nightspots such as the Opal Lounge, where customers must spend at least £135 to reserve a table with a bottle of Mercier champagne."
Some lazy hack has clearly had their day made when they stumbled across the website but TB is never a fan of seeing a fellow blogger
go under
. He understands though that the negative PR this sort of thing causes can be rather unpleasant. So farewell then Gossip Girl, whoever you were.