The real life West Wing...
TB has a Monday morning treat for West Wing fans, who will love this
fascinating insight
into how Obama is running his ship. It gives a detailed account of who the main players in the administration are, and more importantly, where their desks are in relation to the Oval Office. 
Is it time for a Season 8?
Not suprising really TB, given that Obama's convention speech in Boston (2004) was the inspiration for the character of Matt Santos, and that Josh was originally based upon Rahm Emanuel (the dead-fish story is true).
Season 8 won't happen, but I've always wondered whether they could transplant it overseas.
In the UK, we need to mock our leaders, rather than revere them - thus Spitting Image and Yes Minister and the Thick Of It instead of the West Wing and Commander in Chief (a poor substitute). The only series in the UK that came close to Sorkin on the same terms was House of Cards.
Can't you imagine a UK series, with Josh called across the Atlantic upon retiring from the White House to act as a Senior Advisor to an incoming PM. Make the basis of the show the adjustments and learning of the intricacies that he would have to undergo, but write it for an American audience (as the West Wing was) to avoid needing to mock the system.
Anything to replace the empty pangs after the end of Season 7...
Aye, which is why they are such damn compelling characters in the latter seasons.
If we all stay strong together we can get through the horror that is no more west wing.
It's the mid afternoon and late night withdrawal symptoms that TB finds the hardest.