Tory Bear silenced... well sort of.
Talking to a friend who is spending a year in China Tory Bear was asked about how his day had been. When he replied "busy!" and sent her the link to today's fun and games, did it load?
Hell no... seems the esteemed communist internet censors have deemed Tory Bear's musings to be too much for the Chinese audience. He is officially banned...
He would be insulted if it was any other way!

Yes, I tested your site here: and does indeed seem you are banned. Good job!
I hope at least one of the three people concerned has sufficient wealth to bring actions under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act and Copyright Law over the replication of their Facebook pages. If the pages were restricted in any way, then they have had their rights to privacy breached. Even if they were open to public access, it is arguable that their comments were subject to copyright.
If they can afford the action, there are some deep pocketed national newspapers that might provide a silver lining for this cloud and a test case on Facebook privacy would be an interesting sequel to the Max Mosley decision.
Don't worry, TB, I would not recommend they sue you - I doubt even with the extra ad revenue this episode has brought you'd have anything left after costs!
As Tom Friedman's Grandma is alleged to have once said, never cede a century to a country that censors Google, or Tory Bear.
I have the distinct impression that the Anonymous poster may, just possibly, be a first year law student.
Hopefully by the time he has finished his degree he'll look back on that outburst of pseudo-lawyering with suitable embarrassment.
Hopefully the conservatives will ban your website to give them a chance at the next election. Labour must love you, Good job TB
how exactly would they do that anonmong?
You might say you know when your web page made it when your band from China and they say they know when you made it when you got your own hate group!
How is Ellie doing in China.