Social Action saves the world...

TB understands that Conservative Future will be recording a special version of "Do They Know it's Christmas?" and continuing the style of this year's fresher recruitment material, special t-shirts have been ordered for the fundraising event for the mysterious project.
This is all hush hush of course because apparently no one wants to make it obvious that this is a CF project for fear of putting off members of the Shadow Cabinet from singing on the track. Apparently the whole thing is effectively being distanced from the whole Party, so TB can't really see who is going to come out looking all glossy from this. other than the specific people organising it. It's almost as if they are just in it for personal aggrandisement...
TB is not sure at this point whether Bob Geldof is involved yet.
Can I go on the record now and say this will be the worst thing ever
If you like, but I'm going on record to say it's not true and it's not happening.
no shit!
did anyone seriously beleive this was anything other than a piss take?