Sunday, 30 November 2008

More inbox amusement...

Catching up on a few days worth of emails sent to TB. Someone sent in the keenest CFer Tory Bear has probably ever seen:

Who is this mysterious painted lady?

19 year old PPC

ConHome is
that 19 year old Nick Varley has been selected to fight the Labour City of Durham seat. Although he would require a 30% swing it's still a fantastic achievment for someone so young to have even made it to through the selection.

Congratulations to Nick.

Not in my name...

This just pinged into my inbox:

Spread it around!

Tonight Matthew ...TB is going to be...

Michael Rock...

That's right kids, for one night only Tory Bear was the Chairman of Conservative Future. Well sort of. It was that time of year again, the winter closing in, the north wind blowing and essays due - it could mean only one thing - a random trek across Scotland for the Conservative Future Scotland conference. Luckily this year it was in the slightly closer and genteel surrounding of St Andrews. A fine array of MSPs and PPCs turned up and so did CFUK national campaigns coordinator Patrick Sullivan. However after a slight glitch in getting a video message sent up from London it fell to Tory Bear to fill in for the big man and what a power trip it was...

Michael Bear officially announced the closing down of CFS and merging it with the CFUK. A complete withdrawal from the NUS and installed himself as chairman for life.

TB was very tempted! No in fact the question and answer session generated some interesting points that he will be sending on to Michael, especially about the NUS which, as ever, got people talking.

Patrick Sullivan entertained with accounts of by-elections, Boris and an insight into the Student Life tours and continued where TB had left off about strengthening the relationship between the two CFs.

All in all it was a good day, a marked improvement on last year and an increase in the numbers...

Friday, 28 November 2008

New t-shirt...

Lefties have always had cooler t-shirts but now it's our turn to protest something. 

Under a tenner from

Freedom isn't Free

TB is still fairly gobsmacked by the Damian Green arrest so will leave it to DC with his greatest quote yet...

Image by 

Rant brewing...


The Guardian have

to the Tory Bear George Osborne trance remix: 

"Here are four words you probably never thought you'd see in the same sentence: "George Osborne trance remix".

Yes, that's George, Osborne, trance and remix.

And it really does mean what it says on the tin: this video features the shadow chancellor's response to the pre-budget report overlaid with a bangin' dance soundtrack.

This deeply strange true blue mash-up comes courtesy of the Tory Bear blog.

Big shout out to the Tory massive."


Thursday, 27 November 2008

SirAlan vs BoJo

Alan Sugar's first move in  an attempt to become the Labour candidate for London Mayor in 2012?

He is apparently going to be fronting a government campaign to get more people into apprenticeships. While TB doesn't dispute that this is a good move and the sort of thing the government should be doing, he can't help think the Sugar part is slightly suspect. While no mention is made of whether he is being paid, Sugar is clearly cosying up to the Labour hierarchy...

TB can't see why, at this rate for Sugar to attempt to join the dying days of New Labour, would be like getting a last minute ticket on the Titanic. People love to hate him but Sugar is a bright guy and sharp. It would be an interesting fight with Boris but TB suspects the national swing in 2012 will still be in our favour, if everything goes to plan with a 2010 election.

BoJo shouldn't be too worried at this point.

Looks like Guido had a good day...

More on the "Save the Pub" campaign

Facebook, Ferrets and Scotland

Many members of CF have often wondered who Anastasia Beaumont-Bott's mystical shadow cabinet contacts were when she discusses the importance of this or that project and how the order had come from the lips of Dave the Golden One himself. Well it now it seems she does indeed have friends in high places, even if they do gently mock her:

Joking apart as Shane Greer, that guy off the telly,
it's good to see politicians actually using things like Facebook properly rather than having a stale and out of date Facebook page set up by their researcher who probably went back to university after that two week internship.

As for ABB, well TB is hoping he will once again bump into her at the Conservative Future Scotland Conference this Saturday in St Andrews. He promises not to give the now infamous "ferrets in a sack" speech again, if she promises not to throw things at him like last year. 

Anyone interested in coming up for the event can find details

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Oh darling...

This is pure speculation but well worth a read.

Dolly digs in...

The effect of Derek Draper on the interweb has been noted
today, but TB has spotted a rather irratating reminder slightly closer to home.  The GoogleAds on the right hand side of are now being flooded by Labour Party attack ads. They are cleverely tagged as conservative ads and are cropping up all over right wing blogs purely because of what is discussed on them.

Does anyone know how TB can stop this?

Peston Peston Peston...

Robert Peston seemed close to tears this evening on the Six O'Clock News on the BBC. He kept pausing, looking down and seemed close to tears - "For those of us who grew up on pick n'mix, this is a very sad day." Tory Bear doesn't recall him being so upset when announcing Citygroup job losses, in fact he was positively revelling in it. He stated that thousands of Woolworths job losses will effect the "real" people rather than mythical fat cat bankers.

News channels are now discussing the prospect nationalising shops! How anyone has the audacity to suggest that peoples money they wouldn't choose to spend in Woolworths should be used to bail it out is frankly insane. While it is sad to see it go under, at the end of the day Woolworths had a bad business model. While the sun was shining on the credit market it was ok because they could borrow the money to hide their losses. In the cruel darkness of a recession relying on people to pop in for the odd sweet, Halloween costume, straight to DVD movie or even a broom isn't exactly the most watertight of plans and the government, all be it with a heavy heart, no doubt have fairly said no to any financial aid for Woolies.

Hat-Tip to the Silver-Fox for the heads up.

The value of money...

How ironic that the store that is famed for selling its wares for pennies will now
be sold for the measly sum of £1. A sad day when Woolworths disappears. 

Something tells TB that this national institution won't be the only casualty to this recession.

Just incase you missed it...

Good on yesterday's Times for sticking it to Brown with this wounding cartoon on the front page:

Lovely tie darling...

has spotted an interesting wardrobe point about our esteemed Chancellor...

Has he been cashing in on the recession inspired price slashing on the High Street?

Seems so...

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Brown cancels Christmas

Over at
it is being reported that there will be no CF Christmas Party this year. Traditionally the scene of much debauchery and drunkenness this event will be sorely missed. Seems Guido will have to look elsewhere for this year's Christmas tottywatch too. Without a CF election anytime soon there will be no opportunity for pissed up hacks to buy votes with their cards behind the bar or for London Transport Police to wake up an anonymous CFer who was found, full of brandy, asleep outside Westminster tube like last year. In these times of economic difficulty TB can imagine how the thinking goes - drunk CFers + camera = tabloids, but it's not as if we didn't prove ourselves capable of behaving at conference. Absolutely no complacency there. None whatsoever. Move along people, nothing to see here.

Looks like TB will just have to go to Stringfellows with the YBF posse instead. Oh well.

UPDATE: 22.00 - the CF press machine never sleeps. Just heard that there will be a Christmas Party after all. Probably a Festive Season Celebration no doubt but a lash up is on the cards all the same.

Labour have done it again - the remix

Apologies for the light blogging today, here's why:

Osborne sticking it to Labour and a bit of trance... spread it around!

Just what you need for an idle Tuesday night.

What we should be doing...

As the dust settled after yesterdays PBR... Conservative Future hit the street. All major cities were covered, as were the main railway routes out of London. Once again CF has proven to truely be the ground army of the party...

More of this, less bitching please.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Wicked whispers...

In recent weeks with the Mandy come back, the NuLabour boyz have been back at the helm of the sinking Brown ship... Interesting to note then that Ed Balls' usual posistion next to the PM at these sorts of speeches has been usurped by ultra-Blarite James Purnell who whispered to Gordon throughout George Osborne's speech.
See for yourself